Weight loss box on app isn't right (wouldn't let me post in tech support)

I tried using the search function to find this topic, and came up with nothing. I have lost 4.6 pounds since I created my new account, but on the app where the box is by your name, it says zero pounds lost. Does it only go in increments of five or ten? I tried posting this in the tech support thread, but it said I didn't have permission to post there. Why is that?


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    read the tech support thing again properly and you'll see how to make a tech support request.

    Weight loss doesn't increment in big steps, beyond that I don't know.
  • gypsysoul812
    gypsysoul812 Posts: 5 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    read the tech support thing again properly and you'll see how to make a tech support request.

    Weight loss doesn't increment in big steps, beyond that I don't know.

    I did read the tech forum, and went back and re read it. I still don't see what you mean. I am just now starting to use the app.There was no app when I was a member before, and there are threads upon threads in different sections trying to find my answers.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Hi. I haven't had any luck with tech support either. I know that box updates with every lb I loose. have you checked the start date? I joined, left, then joined again so mine said 3 stone something. I wanted it to reflect the weight loss this time round so I changed the start date. Does that help?

  • gypsysoul812
    gypsysoul812 Posts: 5 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi. I haven't had any luck with tech support either. I know that box updates with every lb I loose. have you checked the start date? I joined, left, then joined again so mine said 3 stone something. I wanted it to reflect the weight loss this time round so I changed the start date. Does that help?
    This is a brand new account, but I did have to edit my weight after I started it. I thought I weighed one amount, and it wasn't accurate so I edited it. I guess that affected the amount shown under my name..Thank you so much.

    ETA- I figured it out. Thanks for your help!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    read the first sticky post in the Tech Support section - http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10033253/technical-support-need-help

    "Looking for tech support? Need help using MyFitnessPal? Please post your question in our Support Center. This section of the forums is archived tech support requests only.

    http://myfitnesspal.desk.com "