Binge Eating or Will Power Issue?

I'm so frustrated. Either I have trouble hitting my recommended calories because I'm UNDER or because I'm OVER. And when I'm over it's by 1,000 calories. It's like I've stuffed myself so much that I'm not hungry the next day and then the cycle starts all over. I'm not quite sure how to get to a normal calorie range. Any ideas?


  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    This cycle is happening because you deprive yourself one day and your body and mind make you pay for it the next.

    I've fought with this in the past... I wanted to lose x amount of weight as quickly as possible. I would fall off the wagon and it was downhill from there and then I was repeat the cycle.

    You need to up your intake and make sure you are eating all of your calories. It works! Make sure you eat every 2-3 hours without fail and you will find yourself back on track. Make sure each meal is carbs, fat, and protein and that fat and protein are adequate for the day.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I'm so frustrated. Either I have trouble hitting my recommended calories because I'm UNDER or because I'm OVER. And when I'm over it's by 1,000 calories. It's like I've stuffed myself so much that I'm not hungry the next day and then the cycle starts all over. I'm not quite sure how to get to a normal calorie range. Any ideas?

    Search zig zagging calories...seems like it might be perfect for you because you're already doing it (kind of :)!
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Try planning what you eat for the day all at once. I plan my meals and snacks before I've eaten them. I also put in my exercise before I've done it so I know how many extra calories I can have. I do make adjustments throughout the day if I eat more or less of what I planned. Works for me, it might for you.
  • Paulette56
    Paulette56 Posts: 66 Member
    I use MFP to plan my meals and snacks for the day in the morning. That way, I can adjust before I eat and stick to what I've planned (or at least try to).
  • suzukigurl
    suzukigurl Posts: 90
    I had to cut out a lot of "empty" calories that I was drinking. I drank a lot of tea cooler and it was a lot of calories and unecessary. I could use those extra calories to eat something healthy.