Ask yourself 3 Questions



  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    I'm overweight because of bad food choices (in the past).
    I want to be healthy (for the future).
    I will make it this time - great suppore system here.

    What amazing dialogue - we all have been to the dark side & are beginning to see the light.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Why does it ask why you can't maintain? Isn't that the same reason as why you gained in the first place?
  • rebelontherun
    rebelontherun Posts: 192 Member
    WHY are you overweight? Because I used to live to eat, not eat to live. And I'm paying for it now. Plus I'm semi-lazy.

    WHY do you want to lose weight? Because I want to look healthy, feel healthy and inspire others to make changes in their lives as well. I want to be a personal trainer and it doesn't make sense for me to train other people to lose weight if I don't. Besides, I really want to look decent and feel comfortable in my own clothes :)

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss? Unhealthy weight loss habits. Plateaus, not enough exercise, etc
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    1. Simply because I'm lazy. After complications from 4 c-sections in 6 years, I put on weight. Then I watched a lot of tv and didn't do anything to take any of the weight off. Quite frankly, I STILL watch a lot of tv. I just do it at the gym instead of on my couch. I'm still a couch potato, though LOL

    2. I want to look good naked. When my husband gets home from Afghanistan, he won't have seen me in at least 9 months and I want him to be speechless. I also REALLY don't want to get diabetes, which seems to run in my family.

    3. I've never tried to lose weight, so I've not had any maintenance issues.

    I think my answers are far less noble than most LOL
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    WHY are you overweight?
    I am overweight because I was not watching what I ate and often made bad choices. Being Cajun by birth I'v eaten way too many fried foods not to mention high fat items much of my life. This was fine when I was young and able to be extremely active however about 10 years ago I had a car accident that limited my activity for a really long time. Instead of changing my eating habits then I contiuned to eat as I always had.

    WHY do you want to lose weight?
    I want to be more active for my children. I want to be able to truly teach them the joys of training and working with the horses that we now have, not to mention so many other activitied that I just haven't participated in with them.

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss?
    I was aweful about reading labels... I never realized how much sodium is in packaged foods... not to mention how many carbs are in so many items... lets not even go into how much fat is in many foods I was indulging in.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    I love this!

    1. Why am I overweight?
    It started when I was young and food was my way of stuffing my emotions and it was just a way of coping. I am lazy and didn't like being told as a teen that I was bad at sports and had a very poor self esteem that became my inner dialogue.

    2. Why am I overweight?
    I put everyone's needs and wants before mine and didn't see that I was worth fighting for. I am the queen of excuses. And again, I am lazy.

    3. Why am I unable to maintain my weight loss?
    I seem to only diet and look for the glory but then get lost.

    This time it is different, I have changed my life (style) and like the person I am becoming!
  • keedyboo18
    keedyboo18 Posts: 5 Member
    1. I stress ate.
    2. To feel better.
    3. Couldn't stop being stressed out.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    WHY are you overweight? Because I've been lazy and irresponsible with decisions regarding my health.

    WHY do you want to lose weight? I don't want to face all the medical problems that are associated with being obese...or have to pay for the treatment!!

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss? Because I haven't tried...
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    I was watching Oprah yesterday and she had on Bob Greene. He said you need to ask yourself these 3 questions. I think they are great questions to ask.

    WHY are you overweight? I am overweight because I have spent most of my time taking care of the needs of others and not my self, making bad eating choices and not paying attention to what i was drinking

    WHY do you want to lose weight? I started wanting to lose weight for my other half, but have changed that to for myself. I feel better as I go, and now i just want to be healthy for myself so i can better take care of my family and they can learn from watching me

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss? i was always a binge eater, used a lot of different diet pills, laxatives what ever I could then would let my self go. THis last bout has been 6 years, since I had my son. But now he works out with me (well trys too)
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