Hashimoto's Disease - any suggestions?

Yesterday I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease. I wasn't really given much of a run down about it, but my doctor ordered me to strictly go on a low carb diet. I read sites saying that you really should go gluten free, but because my doctor didn't give me the run down I'm asking you all for help. I know I definitely have it, and I'm aware that it is an autoimmune disease, but otherwise I'm not really understanding of what I may need to do with my diet.

I gain weight SUPER easily, for background, and I am on thyroid meds. I also am curious as to your experiences with it and suggestions. I know that I should only listen to my doctor, but opinions and experiences would be nice to hear so I can get a better understanding. I have been tested for celiacs and it was negative, but I still see going gluten free to be the still optimal thing for hashimotos.


  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Well, I have celiac and Hashi's, so I have to go gluten free :smile: There's currently a lot of woo out there on the web about gluten and Hashi's, but I don't believe there's science to back it up.

    If you're going to be low-carbing on your doctor's orders, you might end up avoiding gluten anyway, simply because foods with gluten are high in carbs.

    How low did he tell you to take your carbs?

    Regarding Hashi's and weight loss, once you're properly medicated, you should find losing weight to be as easy as it is for anyone else.
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I'm the other side of that coin. I have hashi's and PA. I eat whatever carbs I want, no problem, and still lose weight, provided I stay on top of my meds and my calorie deficit. I find that a reasonably steady low-level cardio activity level (walking) keeps me in a range of calories/day that allows me to stay full and still lose weight. My appetite often doesn't match my activity level, so I use a fitbit and MFP constantly to keep things congruent - neither eating too much, nor too little. Patience and consistency are key, and do your own reading and research. You will be your own best advocate in your health care going forward, so it's best to educate yourself as well as you can.
  • dolljirl
    dolljirl Posts: 3 Member
    It must be the day for it
    I went to my doctor to get back lab results and was diagnosed with Hashimoto's yesterday as well. Have another appointment on Tuesday for jer to educatee on what kind of diet, etc. I need to follow to treat the Hashimoto's
    I've also been diagnosed with celiac disease and according to my doctor, the combo is fairly common.
  • Michellelynn219
    Michellelynn219 Posts: 62 Member
    I have Hashimotos too. Read, "Stop the Thyroid Madness". Have your Vitamin D tested if you haven't. Drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep and try to eat organic if possible. I *try* to be Gluten free as much as possible and Dairy free as well. I was dx in 05 and I am still learning about this disease every day.
  • cheezels83
    cheezels83 Posts: 62 Member
    Even though it is a UK based site, people from all around the world are there on the forum.

    There are many really knowledgeable people who will be able to give you support and most importantly, information!

    Well worth checking out. :-)
  • katerams
    katerams Posts: 50 Member
    I have hashimoto's too. I have lost 30kg in a year with good diet and exercise. I do a LOT of weight lifting, and cut gluten mostly out of my diet. I try to avoid milk, but still have cheese/yoghurt. I wouldn't recommend going too low carb - ketosis isn't great in general.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Yesterday I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease. I wasn't really given much of a run down about it, but my doctor ordered me to strictly go on a low carb diet. I read sites saying that you really should go gluten free, but because my doctor didn't give me the run down I'm asking you all for help. I know I definitely have it, and I'm aware that it is an autoimmune disease, but otherwise I'm not really understanding of what I may need to do with my diet.

    I gain weight SUPER easily, for background, and I am on thyroid meds. I also am curious as to your experiences with it and suggestions. I know that I should only listen to my doctor, but opinions and experiences would be nice to hear so I can get a better understanding. I have been tested for celiacs and it was negative, but I still see going gluten free to be the still optimal thing for hashimotos.

    I have lived with hashimoto's for more than 20 years now. Never went low carb, never even heard such a thing other than online. I just take my meds, get checked yearly and go on with my life. Are you seeing an endocrinologist? I would suggest you ask your dr why the low carb recommendation. Unless you have a second autoimmune illness, which is not uncommon, but still not the rule, there should be absolutely no dietaty restrictions for Hashimoto's alone.
    My best advice is to make sure you find a good endocrinologist (not any other sort of dr), stick to medical sites and articles if googling and avoid all other sites and forums like the plague. It is a very common medical condition, very easy to control with just a pill, but you will read all kinds of crazy on how to "cure" it with supplements, diets, herbs, lifestyle changes etc. Many people suffering from it, means great market for all sorts of fads and many people willing to believe ;)
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    I have Hashi's as well as Celiac. I was diagnosed with Celiac first, then Hashi's years later and only after I gained 60lbs in 2 months.

    Since getting properly medicated a year ago, I have lost 30lbs in without much change to what I've been doing. I'm gluten free and can tell when I haven't been following it strictly. My biggest advice is make sure your doc is doing a full thyroid panel when they do your blood work, not just TSH. Other than that, you shouldn't have much time once your hormones are balanced.
  • amalzingsong
    amalzingsong Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you all for your input! I have been gluten free for a month and find my weight loss plateaued. The low carb thing was too hard and my doctor wasn't really good with explaining to me why besides I'm "obese". I'm just super frustrated. I don't think I'm going to continue the gluten free because I am not celiac and I'm not finding a reaction when I have gluten. I just did it because I read it somewhere.
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    edited May 2015
    The reasons some people suggest a gluten free diet for those with Hashimoto's are explained in the below link. Whether this has been proven by science or not, I don't know. I think it's just a theory. The reasons summed up at the link are the reasons my thyroid doctor told me not to eat gluten, although I'd already previously stopped eating gluten when I was diagnosed with celiac disease. A GF diet will not help you lose weight, however: http://chriskresser.com/the-gluten-thyroid-connection/

    My thyroid doctor also told me, and I've heard it from numerous sources since and had it confirmed by my own body, NOT to go too low carb. It exacerbates the thyroid condition. That is, I believe, the most prevalent school of thought from the majority of people who have Hashi's and try to help it with nutrition and diet. But again, consensus of thought and my experience don't equal scientific proof so YMMV.

    I will strongly advise you to learn about your thyroid and to demand free T3 tests if your doctor doesn't order them or else find a doctor who will. A TSH is not a thyroid test; it is a pituitary test.
  • amalzingsong
    amalzingsong Posts: 62 Member
    The reasons some people suggest a gluten free diet for those with Hashimoto's are explained in the below link. Whether this has been proven by science or not, I don't know. I think it's just a theory. The reasons summed up at the link are the reasons my thyroid doctor told me not to eat gluten, although I'd already previously stopped eating gluten when I was diagnosed with celiac disease. A GF diet will not help you lose weight, however: http://chriskresser.com/the-gluten-thyroid-connection/

    My thyroid doctor also told me, and I've heard it from numerous sources since and had it confirmed by my own body, NOT to go too low carb. It exacerbates the thyroid condition. That is, I believe, the most prevalent school of thought from the majority of people who have Hashi's and try to help it with nutrition and diet. But again, consensus of thought and my experience don't equal scientific proof so YMMV.

    I will strongly advise you to learn about your thyroid and to demand free T3 tests if your doctor doesn't order them or else find a doctor who will. A TSH is not a thyroid test; it is a pituitary test.

    Thank you for your advice! I actually have read that, but I'm just not feeling any different than I was before. I don't know if this is something I should continue if it seems like it doesn't matter. My doctor never had mentioned me going gluten free, I just saw it through forums and reading things.
  • radonskies
    radonskies Posts: 24 Member
    I've had Hashis for 20 years. I've done lots of experiments and food eliminations and have settled on NO gluten and NO soy. I limit dairy (mostly just cheese) to 1-2 servings per day because it sometimes causes digestive issues for me. I also discovered I could only lose a few pounds on less than 20 grams of carbs a day. Some think the thyroid needs a slightly higher level of carbs. I've bumped mine up as high as 125 per day and right now average between 40 and 60 grams of carbs.

    I agree with the others to check your vitamin D levels and free T3 and other thyroid tests.

    Our metabolisms are wrecked, so exercise is non-negotiable for us Hashis who want to lose weight. The exercise shouldn't be TOO high stress, as stress can increase inflammation, and thus increase the attack on the thyroid. For me, lots of walking works great. Other lower stress exercise could be swimming, yoga, moderate weight lifting, and so on.
  • MamaOfThree88
    MamaOfThree88 Posts: 54 Member
    Hello. Sorry you were diagnosed with it. I was recently, as well, and my PCP suggested I try the Paleo lifestyle which means excluding gluten, dairy, wheat, grains and sugar from my diet. I am on week 4 and am feeling amazing!! I've also lost 20 lbs. I take Armour after taking Levo for 5 years and it definitely is a better more natural approach for getting my hypothyroidism under control. Ever since taking Armour and eating Paleo, I've re-gained my energy and feel truly amazing!

    I'd recommend these resources:



    Plus, I would recommend looking into excluding Nightshades (brussel sprouts, paprika, peppers, tomatoes) as they can trigger autoimmune inflammation. PM me if you have any questions.
  • amalzingsong
    amalzingsong Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you, everyone! My doctor never had even mentioned going gluten free or anything. I've been adding gluten back in my diet and I seem to be doing okay. My only issue is my weight not budging. I still live at home and am constantly on the go so it's a bit hard to do the paleo diet when I can't purchase my own food. In a few months, however, I am moving and that will change what I eat a lot of the time.
  • leighmcc74
    leighmcc74 Posts: 2 Member
    Yesterday I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease. I wasn't really given much of a run down about it, but my doctor ordered me to strictly go on a low carb diet. I read sites saying that you really should go gluten free, but because my doctor didn't give me the run down I'm asking you all for help. I know I definitely have it, and I'm aware that it is an autoimmune disease, but otherwise I'm not really understanding of what I may need to do with my diet.

    I gain weight SUPER easily, for background, and I am on thyroid meds. I also am curious as to your experiences with it and suggestions. I know that I should only listen to my doctor, but opinions and experiences would be nice to hear so I can get a better understanding. I have been tested for celiacs and it was negative, but I still see going gluten free to be the still optimal thing for hashimotos.

  • leighmcc74
    leighmcc74 Posts: 2 Member
    leighmcc74 wrote: »
    Yesterday I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease. I wasn't really given much of a run down about it, but my doctor ordered me to strictly go on a low carb diet. I read sites saying that you really should go gluten free, but because my doctor didn't give me the run down I'm asking you all for help. I know I definitely have it, and I'm aware that it is an autoimmune disease, but otherwise I'm not really understanding of what I may need to do with my diet.

    I gain weight SUPER easily, for background, and I am on thyroid meds. I also am curious as to your experiences with it and suggestions. I know that I should only listen to my doctor, but opinions and experiences would be nice to hear so I can get a better understanding. I have been tested for celiacs and it was negative, but I still see going gluten free to be the still optimal thing for hashimotos.
    leighmcc74 wrote: »
    Yesterday I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease. I wasn't really given much of a run down about it, but my doctor ordered me to strictly go on a low carb diet. I read sites saying that you really should go gluten free, but because my doctor didn't give me the run down I'm asking you all for help. I know I definitely have it, and I'm aware that it is an autoimmune disease, but otherwise I'm not really understanding of what I may need to do with my diet.

    I gain weight SUPER easily, for background, and I am on thyroid meds. I also am curious as to your experiences with it and suggestions. I know that I should only listen to my doctor, but opinions and experiences would be nice to hear so I can get a better understanding. I have been tested for celiacs and it was negative, but I still see going gluten free to be the still optimal thing for hashimotos.

    Hi .i started having low thyroid problems right after I had my daughter in 2006 then by 2012 .I finally saw encronoglist was tested found out I had hashimotos. Its really important to have a doctor or encronoglist that will listen. Depending on what scale there using to test you on your blood work doesnt always tell the whole story.One of the worst foods that effect you is soy .Soy is hidden in so many things.You can have sensitivites to gluten, sugar, and dairy to name a few even if you get tested shows your fine.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease). I lost way more slowly than most MFPers, so be patient! But I did it just like everybody else—by eating fewer calories than I burn.

    I followed the advice in the Sexypants post: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1

    PS. MFP has a Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/753-hypothyroidism-and-hyperthyroidism