No exercise and crap food makes Lisa a miserable girl

Last week I was feeling so motivated. I was walking, running or doing a DVD every day. I was eating healthy food and drinking lots of water.

I felt better, thoughts started to look better, even people at work were asking if I'd lost weight.

Then it stopped. I didn't want to exercise, I started going over my calories by a couple and then by a lot. I've eaten nearly 2000 calories over my daily allowance today.

I feel rubbish. I've got no motivation and I'm starting to feel bad about myself again.

You'd think me feeling bad would spur me on to do something about it but so far it's not.

Just wanted to have a bit of a vent and see if anyone else was having a dip in motivation lately?


  • SmellyHippy
    SmellyHippy Posts: 47 Member
    I had a horrible week. Went over my calories one day by nearly 1500. I refused to log it because of my shame. On top of that, it was mostly salty foods which made me retain water for several days. It appeared I'd put back on several pounds in one night.

    Accept that you've hit a bump. Start over. That's what I plan to do. yesterday I actively made decisions about my food before they came up so I wasn't tempted to screw up. I logged all the calories for the day so I knew if I had any fudge room.

    You got this.
  • cassandralepandaa
    cassandralepandaa Posts: 66 Member
    Been there, done that multiple times. On one of my real lowest moments, I consumed three protein balls, a salted caramel cupcake, a boost juice, Apple crumble yogurt, a chocolate bar, some peanut butter chocolate balls, two hot cross buns, and my usual breakfast of eggs, spinach, salmon and tomatoes on top of that. :p

    You feel like *kitten*, you cry, then wake up the next day and do a better job. The point is to consistently get back on the bandwagon, despite falling off. Cause one day, you will get back on and stay on.