I ate nearly double what I should have today...

TDEE ~1600-2000 calories (depending on activity level), aiming for 1400cals a day net. Today I ate 2600! :cry: Putting me 1200 calories over my goal... What does this mean? How much will this set me back? I feel that I have a few good days, then a day like this where a trigger sets me off and I can't stop eating... Is this going to set back all my progress?


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i went on vacation a week ate all the things and only gained 1.8 pounds.

    youll be fine.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited April 2015
    How could it set back all your progress? That amount of calories doesn't even equate to half a pound. :) Further, you say you ate 1200 calories above your goal calories. Aren't your goal calories below your energy expenditure anyway? Say your maintenance is 1700 calories or whatever. ( I'm just guessing, so adjust for whatever your maintenance calories are.) That would mean only 900 calories over - in other words, a quarter of a pound.

    Now, you may weigh heavier for a few days based on water and the weight of the actual food, but that doesn't mean you've gained fat and are stuck with the gain. Not based on just these calories you're talking about on just one day.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    edited April 2015
    Yes, you are going to gain 500 pounds overnight and be the star of "My 600 Pound Life" and make millions of dollars which you can't spend because you can't get out of bed, so instead you will pay some money-hungry sadistic person who will feed you bonbons and fried chicken and s'mores and 24-oz steaks and loaded baked potatoes to ensure their job security. OR you could just stop beating yourself up over one stupid day and make the rest of your days count.
  • mz_getskinny
    mz_getskinny Posts: 258 Member
    If I were you, I would call it a day and start over tomorrow. If you're going to be stressed about it? Take 100 calories off for the next few days. It wont do much damage in the long run. If a lb is 3500 calories then we are talking less than half a lb here. Go burn some calories and stop stressing :)
  • sati18
    sati18 Posts: 153 Member
    It depends what the rest of your week looks like. If you've been under the rest of the week you could just maintain. Have a look at the nutrition reports on the app and look at the weekly report. It'll tell you how many calories you have left to eat for the week / how many you've eaten so far out of a weekly total. You could always put in a bit more exercise too tomorrow to earn back some of those calories.

    But don't panic. You're not going to double in size overnight.... Hell the last time I had an oops day it totalled out at over 4,000 calories... I think gained half a lb that week overall.

    Whatever you do, don't weigh yourself first thing tomorrow morning. Just eat sensibly tomorrow, drink lots of water, and do a bit more exercise. Wait a couple of days to weigh yourself to allow the weight of the food and any water retention to go away first
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I went on a cruise and ate my daily calorie allowance at breakfast alone....when I got home, all my clothes still fit normally. You'll be fine.
  • Bailey_432
    Bailey_432 Posts: 55 Member
    Yes, you are going to gain 500 pounds overnight and be the star of "My 600 Pound Life" and make millions of dollars which you can't spend because you can't get out of bed, so instead you will pay some money-hungry sadistic person who will feed you bonbons and fried chicken and s'mores and 24-oz steaks and loaded baked potatoes to ensure their job security. OR you could just stop beating yourself up over one stupid day and make the rest of your days count.

    Phaha, this made me laugh more than it should have :lol: Thanks all! Just a bit hard on myself sometimes. Back on track first thing tomorrow
  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    Bailey_432 wrote: »
    TDEE ~1600-2000 calories (depending on activity level), aiming for 1400cals a day net. Today I ate 2600! :cry: Putting me 1200 calories over my goal... What does this mean? How much will this set me back? I feel that I have a few good days, then a day like this where a trigger sets me off and I can't stop eating... Is this going to set back all my progress?
    Just go for an hour walk if you can. Tomorrow is another day. Water retention, weight in the bowels from the food, don't over-correct tomorrow.
    I hear you on the appetite and over-eating, I used to do that and undo all my progress.
    My suggestion is to pull all food from your diet that you overeat on...for example, I pulled out all grains, dairy, sugar and even fruit. I replaced it with non-starchy veggie stir-fries, soups, salads, dips and cut veggies, etc. Eat protein sources, use stevia to sweeten protein shakes. Step away from those other foods for a couple of weeks, then re-introduce those foods one at a time, slowly over a week. For me, this put my appetite completely back under my own control.

  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Bailey_432 wrote: »
    Yes, you are going to gain 500 pounds overnight and be the star of "My 600 Pound Life" and make millions of dollars which you can't spend because you can't get out of bed, so instead you will pay some money-hungry sadistic person who will feed you bonbons and fried chicken and s'mores and 24-oz steaks and loaded baked potatoes to ensure their job security. OR you could just stop beating yourself up over one stupid day and make the rest of your days count.

    Phaha, this made me laugh more than it should have :lol: Thanks all! Just a bit hard on myself sometimes. Back on track first thing tomorrow

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Log it and move on.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I ate less than I should have, so it all balances out. Right?
  • Looncove_Farm
    Looncove_Farm Posts: 115 Member
    Im on the downward spiral as we speak,,,,,,poptarts and cheddar popcorn but aint it a great ride!!!!
    Ill be fine,,,,tomorrows another day and I wanted these,,and possibly a few chips a little later, Its,,,ya know,,,one fo those days, LOL.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Bailey_432 wrote: »
    TDEE ~1600-2000 calories (depending on activity level), aiming for 1400cals a day net. Today I ate 2600! :cry: Putting me 1200 calories over my goal... What does this mean? How much will this set me back? I feel that I have a few good days, then a day like this where a trigger sets me off and I can't stop eating... Is this going to set back all my progress?

    This means today is a new day. Move on and stick to the plan.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Yes, you are going to gain 500 pounds overnight and be the star of "My 600 Pound Life" and make millions of dollars which you can't spend because you can't get out of bed, so instead you will pay some money-hungry sadistic person who will feed you bonbons and fried chicken and s'mores and 24-oz steaks and loaded baked potatoes to ensure their job security. OR you could just stop beating yourself up over one stupid day and make the rest of your days count.
    Love your sense of humor. :D
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I remember when we used to say "excuse" instead of "trigger." "Trigger" does sound nicer and more comforting, though, and is a good way to focus the problem on something other than our own choices.