Question for the ladies: PMS and cravings

Hello Ladies!
Am I the only one that experiences awful, awful, awful cravings around PMS?! I sure hope note, because I could use some help. So around the time of PMS I get the worst cravings for sweets and carbs, like I NEED to have it NOW. I'll literally binge on anything from cookies, to ice cream, to cereal, to bread, to anything I can get my hands on really. No amount of food or sweets will satisfy my cravings/ hunger. My stomach is basically like a bottomless pit.

I would love to hear your experiences with this...or what you do to rid the cravings!


  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    I EAT!!


    For me, it's usually only one day that I'm also like a bottomless pit. I know that one day of eating like that won't make me fat all over again. I do have in mind, though, that most likely I won't lose weight as much as I would like for that week. But, I think that's what helps for cravings to last only one day, just letting myself eat. If I try to ignore it, those cravings will last several days.
  • jacksonchloe2
    jacksonchloe2 Posts: 2 Member
    I do! Root vegetables like sweet potatoes or beets help a lot with curving sugar cravings. Just throw a sweet potato into the oven at like 410 degrees for 45 minutes and peel off the skin after. Lightly season with salt and pepper and you have a delicious snack that helps with cravings and is super healthy. If you have a juicer, find juices with root veggies so that will help. It is also a good time to make sure you are working out a lot so you have more room for calories, the working out will help with mood swings and cramps too, or at least it does me. Also around dinner I will have a glass of red wine, if you are into that, it makes me feel like I am being a little indulgent.
  • estygirl22
    estygirl22 Posts: 19 Member
    Oh girl u r not alone!!! Anyone that says this doesn't happen to them lying it totally does. Espically around that time of the month.
    As for not caving in to the cravings you're having, I think depends on what your goals are and depending on how much you need to lose.
    For me I'm on a really strict diet no cheating allowed ahh but I did find good substitutes that might help you like they have helped me.
    First one: Quest Bars!!!! They are like heaven in your mouth so delicious. My fav is cookie cough, tastes just like the real thing especially if I throw it in my toast over for 1 min. All melty and gooey. Best part it's only got 1 gram of sugar and 20 grams of protein and 190 calories and filling!
    Next thing: Artic Zero ice cream. 150 calories for the entire pint!!!!! I haven't tried that yet but my next grocery shopping outing I'm buying so many.
    One more: this isn't so much a sweet as to a easy snack that I add almond butter to and it's so healthy and delicious rice cakes!!! I get the lightly salted ones and add less than a table spoon of almond butter ( u dnt want to over load too much lol) and it's the most filling yummy snack ever!!
    I hope this was helpful for u!!! And when the cravings hit hard tell urself it's mind over matter, mind over matter!! Lol
  • Babykeys32
    Babykeys32 Posts: 36 Member
    YES!!! I've been so good recently but today I just went crazy...I'm actually on fertility treatment at the mo so my hormones are going crazy but it's basically just major pms....

    I literally just ate nutella out the jar with a spoon all day, had a big cooked breakfast, carb heavy lunch, nutella and peanut butter sandwich and topped it off with curry for tea!! ...and I went like 1500 over my cals ....but it's not the end of the world!

    I'l just go back to my usual routine tomorrow and enjoy the nice full feeling today haha

    Still craving chocolate.......
  • ninthnarnian
    ninthnarnian Posts: 237 Member
    One day a month like clockwork "dang I'm starving! Oh yeah- period tomorrow"
  • hstull82
    hstull82 Posts: 116 Member
    I can relate with ya all ! In fact I do not lose weight 2 weeks out of the month like clockwork...its so frustrating! Feel free to add me if you like so we can support each other..regular logger here with an open diary...take care!