I am having a love affair with carbs....

Lexie28 Posts: 219
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I have a love affair with carbs and I'm looking for any advice for foods that have a low carb content. I have a sweet tooth as well, so that doesn't help.

Any advice on foods I should be eating to substitute my addiction to carbs?



  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Protein. Nuts or tuna.
  • PNWriter
    PNWriter Posts: 223 Member
    Yep. Protein. I, too, am a carb *kitten*. Bread is my downfall.. So now I substitute Orowheat Sandwhich Thins for bread and roast a turkey breast at the beginning of the week and eat it for snacks. It helps cut down the carb cravings! Nuts are great, too.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I LOVE CARBS! I really do.

    I try and limit them to the early parts of the day so my body has time to use them for energy. However, I have days - like today - when that doesn't happen.

    I have tried to switch to healthier alternatives to some of the normal carbs I love.
  • I have a thing for carbs too, but I tend to eat the most in the morning so my body can use it as energy. Sweeth tooth? Guilty. I buy Stone Ridge Creamery ice cream sandwich snacks. They're 100 calories each, and one is enough to satisfy your craving. You can also try Jello pudding (60 calories). I put it in the freezer for a few minutes so it can get really cold, and it tastes even better. Hope that helps a little.
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    I have the same problem. I agree with the above concentrate on proteins, I've never enjoyed nuts, tuna, chicken breast, and cheese so much. Also, my sweet tooth got better when I switched to whole grain foods (noodles, breads, cereals), within a few days I didn't have as much craving.
  • Jenessalyn
    Jenessalyn Posts: 1
    I love carbs also, I recently asked my Doctor this very same question! Here's what she suggested.

    Coco powder covered almonds. You get a little sweet, but it's not heavy chocolate covered.
    Qunioa in place of rice. Qunoia is a complete PROTEIN! It has very little carbs but still feels like you're eating carbs. Trader Joe's has a frozen kind that cooks in 3 minutes. I buy mine uncooked from Safeway, making it in the rice cooker takes about 15 minutes.
    If you are having a hard time letting go of pasta, try Spaghetti Squash.
    Whole grain/ wheat bread is better than white. However I've heard somewhere that Sourdough is the best bread because something about the yeast eliminating the sugars..? I have no actual facts on that one ;)

    At night if I need a sweet, I'll find the smallest spoon in the kitchen and take a scoop of peanut butter. Maybe toss a few chocolate chips on top. I feel better about it because of the spoon size.

    I hope some of this can help! Good luck and let me know how you do!

  • Eat your bread carbs in the morning, and later in the day eat healthy carbs and healthy sugars like grapes or berries! I use to be a carbaholic, but have found with time that I don't so much crave them eanymore! Don't get me wrong, I could easily live off of bread, pasta, and water! Now I only eat pasta maybe once or twice a month and when I do I make sure it is whole grain! As for the sweets, I find that if I don't have it in the house I am less likely to want it, and when I do, I turn to peanut butter and fruit!
  • PaulaJKelly
    PaulaJKelly Posts: 96
    There is a Dr. Oz show that was on last night and is on today sometime as well. They talk about carb addiction and ways to change it. See if you can track down that episode. I love carbs too but you can do it!
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