Question about sodium.

Sodium makes you feel bloated, right?
So how can I make myself less bloated? I try to eat maximum 800-1,000 mg of soduim a day, but I still feel like I've swallowed a beach ball :/


  • jolteon00
    jolteon00 Posts: 89
    To relieve bloating, avoid carbonated drinks or spicy food. Eat smaller meals more often. Drink LOTS of water, and if bloating is a problem, consider monitoring your potassium intake as well, as it tends to act against sodium in making your body retain water.

    I've also heard that swimming forces your body to ultimately release water, but I'm not sure about that.
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    your sodium intake is pretty low... comparatively to the norm. Do what the above said. Also lemon in water is a natural diuretic. Helps flush out the system.

    If that doesn't work might want to talk to your doctor and see what is going on inside your body.
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    I try to keepmy sodium between 700 & 1000 mg a day my dr also has me on a prescription water pill, Your sodium is not to low, the 2500 a day is for a normal person, I am not normal. my leg and feet swell very easily. I am going to lower my sodium intake to about 500- 700 a day. that's about all I can handle without bloating. You should see your Dr.
  • JenayMichele1982
    It is awesome that you are keeping your sodium that low! I have such a hard time with sodium, but generally stay under 1200mg. I drink tons of water, usually a gallon a day at minimum and I never drink soda ever. Too much fiber can make u feel bloated especially if it comes from sources such as fiber bars, cereals, or other high carb foods. While its good to get plently of fiber, try to get more of it from veggies and less from other sources. Maybe that will help. The most important thing is water intake and sugar can make feel bloated as well.