Jorge Cruise...does anyone follow his diet?

I have recently re-read his book. The first time I looked at it, I decided that it was too drastic to cut my sugar intake down to 15 grams. However, I work out religiously and I follow the calories alloted to me by this site and I have yet to loose weight, let alone the belly fat that I really want under control. I am not over weight at all but I have a little pudgyness in my belly I really don't like. I just want a flat belly and Joge Cruise's thinking says it is my sugar intake that is putting weight right on my belly. Has anyone tries this, followed it, or know about it? I would really like to know any information you might have.

Thank you everyone!!


  • kandmwilson2000
    kandmwilson2000 Posts: 9 Member
    I have tried it, although I didn't follow very well. I like the concept but I didn;t like not being able to use splenda which is in my coffee creamer. Sometimes it seemed a little to restrictive.
  • Lauracharder
    Lauracharder Posts: 141 Member
    Bumping thread to see if anyone has any new insights on this "diet". I just watched the episode where he was on Dr. Oz. Jorge says you can only have 100 calories of sugar (25 g) which makes a lot of sense, but awful hard to do! Any thoughts?
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    If he was on Dr Oz then no point looking at it :)
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    Bumping thread to see if anyone has any new insights on this "diet". I just watched the episode where he was on Dr. Oz. Jorge says you can only have 100 calories of sugar (25 g) which makes a lot of sense, but awful hard to do! Any thoughts?

    but to do the 100 "sugar calories" you take the total carbs and multiply by 4 to get the "sugar calories" so it isn't 25 grams of sugar it is basically 25 grams of carbs and he says no fruit etc

    I do make sure I eat very little sugar (and when I want sugar in my coffee for example I use Xylitol which is natural, no aftertaste like splenda and has less calories that sugar but tastes like sugar :) but I find that his thing was too restrictive. I like rice for dinner with a chicken breast for example :) I think limiting sugar though isn't a terrible thing :) just don't go crazy with it or you won't maintain those eating habits :)
  • I just started this program for for women over 40 with belly fat, i have to say, i've started off really well. i'm trying to notice how my body is reacting to the lack of 'processed foods' and sugar intake that i never paid attention too. and really, really looking at all the ingredients/nutritional facts. i'm going to be starting a blog showing my progress and learning how to swap out things as well.
  • leslieg45
    leslieg45 Posts: 4
    I'm doing the same - I heard Jorge on a Hay House interview and decided to get the 100 book and go ahead and get started before this winter when the book comes out.. So far so good - about 5 pounds down in the last week. I had already changed my diet and my cooking habits quite a bit since last Christmas, but I couldn't get past the amount I've lost so far. I know that taking out most of the sugar calories is the right way to go - when I did OA and Atkins, which had similar plans, I always lost the weight. Having some sugar calories allowed keeps me feeling fine. Sometimes I'm fine at the 100 daily level, other times I feel I need a little more. No cravings, no hunger. I did a couple weeks on the 2/5 system since I'm in my mid-40's, but I tended to hit the 500 or even go over that, and I didn't lose any weight. For me that system is probably too permissive.
    For the next 30 days I'm planning to stay with the 100/dy unless I feel the need for more, in which case I'm gonna keep it to 300 for just a couple days. My experience has been that I need to pay attention to my own bodies' wisdom and signals, and for me 500 sugar calories was way too much - plus I felt way too full - and not in a satisfied way, in a "wow I just ate way too much" way!:noway:
  • CandieCapps
    CandieCapps Posts: 11 Member
    I just read the book and I'm going to try it out as well. It can't hurt and it is something you could do as a lifestyle change. We don't need all those processed carbs and sugars so let the losing begin. :)
  • Jenn112783
    Jenn112783 Posts: 1 Member
    I have it and I LOVE IT! I took issue eliminating my coffee mate and 2 spoons full of sugar at first.. but Now I'm in love with half and half and I absolutely DETEST sweetened coffee now. I found a lot of freedom in the menu options and with things that I thought were bad for me (ie. cheese sticks, sausage, bacon, burgers, ect..) I've always been a veggie lover although I did miss my fruit this summer but I've lost 27 pounds so far in the first month.

    THE KEY to success on this "life modification" (I reuse to call it a diet) is to make your breakfast and lunches ahead of time for the whole week!! Since most of the menu options are the reoccurring during each week make what you need for the week on Sunday and seperate it out in containers for grab-and-go style lunch packing. It's super simple when you don't have to think about it or get up early to make a mess of your kitchen. Also, screw the making omelets and fried eggs every morning; whip up a dozen eggs with half and half, veggies, and sausage crumbles (Jimmy Dean has a great turkey sausage pre-crumbled sold in the frozen breakfast aisle.) Mix it all together and spoon everything into unlined muffin tins and bake for 20 minutes on 375 degrees. Taaa daaaaa!! Breakfast for the week.

    Stick with this guys; give it at least 30 days, you'll be impressed.
  • We started the 14 day Fat Belly Cure Fast Track meal plan one week ago tomorrow. I weighed this morning 11.6 pounds down at the beginning of the 7th day. I normally have a terrible time losing weight. I'm lucky to have a very supportive husband, and we are following the diet to the letter.. If we can lose, you can, too!!
  • Lauri524
    Lauri524 Posts: 54 Member
    Just wondering if I can use at least one packet of sugar in my coffee and just count the sugar calories (which would be 6 x 4 equaling 24 sugar calories). Or do I have to eliminate it altogether?