Needing some support

Hey! Super new to this. I definitely need some motivation and support to keep me on the right track. Help me get these 10 pounds off for good!!




  • discoveringmyjoy
    discoveringmyjoy Posts: 8 Member
    Hey there, I'm only on day 4 myself, but am excited to get this weight off. How are you planning on tackling it? I'm tracking what I eat, drinking lots of water, trying to do some sort of exercise everyday and I cut out sugar, wheat and dairy. Good luck!!!!!
  • madisonminusten
    madisonminusten Posts: 4 Member
    My plan is to reduce my intake. I eat very healthily on a daily basis, but I think I eat too much. Tracking my intake should provide me with a better idea. Also, I plan on being more consistent about my yoga routine and taking in more water :):)
  • Adiva4Lyfe79
    Adiva4Lyfe79 Posts: 4 Member

    Just stopping in to introduce myself, i just started back using MFP. I would love to add some encouraging friends. Feel free...thanks for reading!!