


  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    some of my faves: 1)orowheat sandwhich rounds, 1 slice of fat free cheese, and 2 eggs scrambled. Add a peice of fruit and you are set! or for the quicker version Jimmy Dean D'lights breakfast sandwhich and a piece of fruit. 2)weight control (high fiber) oatmeal and some yogart, 3) PB and banana sandwhich on orowheat and some grapes!
  • c3lxxx
    c3lxxx Posts: 25

    1/4 - 1/2 cup Quick Oats
    Double the amount of milk to oats.....
    Microwave for 2 minutes
    Throw in some of your favorite fruit
    (I use frozen fruit to cool the oatmeal)

    Best, most filling breakfast.....enjoy darling.
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    Oatmeal with some fruit. and if needed to have a quick snack if you have a long time between meals grab a kashi bar. those are yum
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    Oatmeal made with water (the night before for me) with fruit and some cinnamon added in never fails to fill me SO much!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    For really quick, I will do a greek yogurt or cottage cheese w/ fruit.

    For semi quick (like 5 minutes) I will cook a couple of eggs and make a little breakfast sandwich with a flax wrap.

    PROTEIN is the key to staying full. Stay away from the cereal, really it is like eating a candy bar.
  • MissRich83
    MissRich83 Posts: 2
    I enjoy Special K cereal for breakfast also! Try doubling up on the serving, instead of 3/4 cup do 1 1/2 cup and I don't know about you but doubling up on the milk isn't really necessary (and ur still under 300 calories). I think that would help because I'm a BIG girl and it keeps me full from 8 am til noon at the latest. Good Luck ;)
  • MissRich83
    MissRich83 Posts: 2
    I enjoy Special K cereal for breakfast also! Try doubling up on the serving, instead of 3/4 cup do 1 1/2 cup and I don't know about you but doubling up on the milk isn't really necessary (and ur still under 300 calories). I think that would help because I'm a BIG girl and it keeps me full from 8 am til noon at the latest. Good Luck ;)
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    "Wouldn't it still be better to have your carbs in the am than just before bed for example? I stick to first meal of the day and peri-workout for majority of carbs personally."

    No because we are more insulin sensitive in the AM, by having lower carbs earlier in the day we end up using more bodyfat for energy and sparring muscle. Also by eating more at night, we provide enough energy for our brain while we are fasting for 7-8 hours. When we go to bed hungry, we cause our brain to go into stress, and then it releases cortisol which will eat away at our muscles.

    "The high-energy breakfast induced a strong inhibition of fat oxidation throughout the day. Although long-term adaptation to a high-energy breakfast cannot be excluded, the high-energy breakfast in this study did not appear to be favourable to health. Our results do not support the current advice to consume more energy at breakfast."
  • abbyko
    abbyko Posts: 108
    I usually have the same breakfast of two pieces of whole wheat toast with 1.5 tbps of pb (total, not for each piece) and some low sugar jam - no butter. I have to have something hot and I find that oatmeal doesn't keep me full for long.