What keeps you motivated



  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I would like to be able to wear shorts without being ashamed of my flabby thighs which I gained from losing weight.
  • geedubya2014
    geedubya2014 Posts: 2 Member
    I look at the progress I have made and how happy I have become and refuse to turn back! I find myself participating in activities I use to and it feels great! I don't want to go back to that lazy boring life!
  • aroberts19
    aroberts19 Posts: 16 Member
    I remember all the times I quit already, when I had made progress and then gave up. I don't want to keep starting over and I want to be proud of the choices I make. Recently my daughter started ice skating and I want it to be something the whole family can do. I got on skates for the second time in my life and I didn't die. I actually did pretty well. That made me feel like I could do anything. It gave me a ton of motivation.
  • deathninja82
    deathninja82 Posts: 108 Member
    Alcohol, heavy metal (Sabaton FTW) and pain.
  • iamsharica
    iamsharica Posts: 947 Member
    I've come to far to give up....it's been 7 years since I've lost 50 lbs and I'm determined not to go back!

    I heard that!
  • iamsharica
    iamsharica Posts: 947 Member
    robw235 wrote: »
    For me, the motivation is being healthy for what I hope will be a long retirement. I'm less than a year away and I want to do so much after years of hard work. To not be able to enjoy my reward because I'm unhealthy would just suck! Even something as simple as wanting to be able to get down on the floor and play with my grandchildren, or chase them in the park, those are motivating for me. Most of all, I want to be here for my spouse. So, a few months ago when the Dr. told me it was time to go on a statin, I begged for a few months to get healthy. Later this month I'll find out if all this hard work has worked at lowering my numbers.
    I really hope you get the results and answers from your doctor your looking for. Keep up the good work.
  • LaurieWrobo
    LaurieWrobo Posts: 1,321 Member
    I've come to far to give up....it's been 7 years since I've lost 50 lbs and I'm determined not to go back!

    I heard that!
    Thank you! Determined to hit restart.....yesterday was better we'll see how weekend pans out!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I just want to be able to wear a certain, relatively expensive cycling jacket I bought 3 or 4 years ago.

    I had been thinking I should buy another one in a larger size to fit the larger me ... but then I thought that I already have this really nice jacket, I haven't worn it much, it's still in great shape -- almost like new. And if I were a few kg lighter, I could wear it. It will cost me less to lose a few kg than to buy a new jacket.

    So ... I can now zip it up. I can't make any sudden movements or breathe too deeply, but it will zip shut again. I'm on my way! :grin:

    I'm wearing it!! :smiley:

    Not only can I zip it up, but it was comfortable enough to wear on a bicycle ride today. :)


    Now I'd like to be able to wear another layer under it. I had two light layers on, but as winter comes on, I might want a fleecy layer.

  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    When you feel like giving up what keeps you going? What do you look for as support to keep you determined to drop those pounds?

    My relentless desire to be better than I was yesterday.

  • MrKbailey
    MrKbailey Posts: 61 Member
    Being and looking healthy
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I just want to be able to wear a certain, relatively expensive cycling jacket I bought 3 or 4 years ago.

    I had been thinking I should buy another one in a larger size to fit the larger me ... but then I thought that I already have this really nice jacket, I haven't worn it much, it's still in great shape -- almost like new. And if I were a few kg lighter, I could wear it. It will cost me less to lose a few kg than to buy a new jacket.

    So ... I can now zip it up. I can't make any sudden movements or breathe too deeply, but it will zip shut again. I'm on my way! :grin:

    I'm wearing it!! :smiley:

    Not only can I zip it up, but it was comfortable enough to wear on a bicycle ride today. :)


    Now I'd like to be able to wear another layer under it. I had two light layers on, but as winter comes on, I might want a fleecy layer.

  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    Good question. I'm thrilled to be down 20 lbs and fitting into great clothes. But after hitting the 20 lb mark, I think I need another bit of drive. I'm 50 and no longer motivated by "wearing cute summer shorts" (this is not intended to belittle those that are so motivated, but thought processes sometimes change with age). I think I must need a new goal.
  • Juspex
    Juspex Posts: 23 Member
    I'm at the point where I simply just CAN'T give up. I've trained many years but haven't focused to my eating almost at all. Just the few basics of proteins and so on. Now I've finally got that sector also right and I'm now getting really used to eat healthy and starting to be very automatic already (knowing what to eat, when and so on.) Sure I take sometimes a few steps back in the progress (chocolate eating etc.), but HEY! That's life. I've come this far, why quit now?

    I also don't get the support from my parents, friends or wife. I'm kind of alone. But I do now have you guys on here mfp. I also think why I want this lifestyle when I'm going to sleep. Motivates to get ready for the next day. I have many ways of motivating myself. It doesn't bother to not get support from closest people. I'll show them I can do it :wink:

    Always writing these fricking novels....
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Bump..... I'm in need of this thread! Been sick for 2 weeks and finally feeling better! Love hearing everyone's motivation!
  • Marc1218
    Marc1218 Posts: 13 Member
    I decided to stop thinking about what I was- and focus on what I am and what I can be. I have two very active kids and a boatload of nephews and nieces. I want to be actively playing, coaching and mentoring them well into my grandpa and (God willing) great grandpa years and past my 90s!
  • missnolder890
    missnolder890 Posts: 72 Member
    Let's just all cut the crap and be honest:


    That's it.

    Lmao, right!! I just wanna look good naked
  • junosunderland
    junosunderland Posts: 9 Member
    I look at the clothes I want to wear eventually. I keep a small folder of favorites of things I plan to buy eventually. When that's not quite good enough I read success stories and ask myself if that 500cal thing is really truly worth it, that the taste will be temporary, but the effects are long lasting. That usually does the trick haha
  • alexelmer
    alexelmer Posts: 44 Member
    I get discouraged when I think too far ahead. I know its cringe worthy but take one day at a time.

    When I finish one day within my calorie deficit and have done a good workout I'm chuffed! If I think oh god I've got another 20lb to loose it totally ruins it and makes me want to give up.

    If you focus on a day at a time for 4 weeks you'll be in your routine and it will become habit not a struggle.

    Add me as a friend too - I like the constant reminder of MFP friends!