1,000 Calorie Challenge!



  • mjdubin5
    mjdubin5 Posts: 7 Member
    How do I join this group and this challenge
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    mjdubin5 wrote: »
    How do I join this group and this challenge

    I'd read the thread for starters.
  • mjdubin5
    mjdubin5 Posts: 7 Member
    How do I join this group and this challenge
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    In and done.

    Burned 1000 + calories 5 days last week 2 rest days 165 miles 11hours 21 minutes 7500 calories

    Monday 27.8 miles 1:52 14.8mph 2500' elevation gain 1300 cals
    Tuesday 35.8 miles 2:29 14.4mph 2700 elevation gain 1500 cals
    Wed 22.2 miles 1:28 15.2 mph 2200 elevation gain 1059 cals
    Thurs ....rest day
    Friday 40.1 miles 2:49 14.3mph 3500 elevation gain 1850 cal
    Sat ...rest day
    Sunday 40 miles 2:44 14.7mph 3500 elevation gain 1700 cals
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well since it got dredged back up...

    This week's summary:
    8000 yards in the pool in 2:15 total time
    133 miles on the bike in 7:30
    35.2 miles running in 4:25

    14:50 total time and 9130 calories (1304/day)

    1 rest day in the week so if you take that out I was averaging 1520/day in 6 days.

    I can't eat enough to keep up with this really, I don't want to lose any weight but there isn't much I can do about it at this stage.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    @glevinso nice work !
    Hoping for more sun next week so my solar system finally gets my pool up to temp and I can start swimming.( Ya I am a wimp I like my pool at 80*)
    Last week was brutal with the wind here, seemed like we had a head wind both ways every day. Knocked 2mph off my averages.
    I hear Ya on trying to eat all those calories back, I fall asleep before I finish my post ride meal all the time. LOL
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    After yesterday's 70 mile ride and 2.6 mile transition run, I went straight into the local brewery I parked at (everyone starts big rides at the local brewery right?) I went inside, ordered a beer and a pizza, and just stared at it. Had to force myself to eat a pizza. (I drank all the beer though...)

    After that level of effort, eating just doesn't seem appealing even though I know I need to refuel.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    I need to start eating on a bar stool instead on my recliner, maybe I could manage to stay awake and finish eating. LOL
    Ya, we have 2 micro breweries located out in the country that are "almost back home" that last little stretch home gets a bit wobbly occasionally.
    Good thing I can take bike paths mostly home from there. We are definitely spoiled though, endless miles of hills, mountains, rollers or flats right out of my front door and very little traffic. It's cycling paradise. Northern California in the Sierra Nevada foothills.....shhhh don't tell anybody though. We like our privacy.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    edited April 2015
    Saturday, April 11 - 1845 calories (2:02:48 on the singlespeed hot laps stateside)
    Sunday, April 12 - BUST (Air France flight was delayed making me 3 1/2 hours late to Paris. By the time I caught another flight and got back to Germany, it was too dark to ride.)
    Monday, April 13 - 1289 calories (2:17:22 easy Zone 1/2 road bike ride)
    Tuesday, April 14 - 1500 calories (2:05:41 Zone 2 road bike ride - hit 1000 calories at the 1:26 point)
    Wednesday, April 15 - 1299 calories (2:38:22 Zone 1 road bike leisurely ride)
    Thursday, April 16 - 1029 calories (1:17:20 4 x 8 Zone 4 Intervals)
    Friday, April 17 - 1003 calories (made it by the skinny today - 95 minutes walking/30 minutes cycling/60 minutes weight lifting)
    Saturday, April 18 - 1383 calories (2:25:52)

    I had all good intentions of ending the 7 consecutive days on Sunday, April 19th with a nice two hour ride. However, I had a flight to catch and just couldn't get up early to try and squeeze in a ride, pack, and get to the airport. So FAIL on my part for 7 consecutive days of burning 1000. Rats!!! Both the previous Sunday, and the 19th duped me with flights so I couldn't knock out 7 consecutive days.

    Regardless, I followed up with a 10 day trip to Vienna, Krakow, and Berlin. Pretty sure I easily ate plenty of calories back on that fun trip, but I also walked a lot each day. I think my body enjoyed the "rest" week from endurance training. I was back on the bike again in Berlin the past two days (a townie rental) to pedal out the cobwebs that were forming.