The damn rain

Alright all. I need some tips for combating the rain. I only live 6.5 blocks from work, so I'd love to walk because quite frankly driving is a waste of money and it's easier to get my 13,000 steps when I walk. My question for walkers/bike commuters is what do you do when it rains.

My dress code is business professional and the drown rat look doesn't cut it. Plus it's incredibly uncomfortable sitting in wet pants all morning. I have an umbrella which works great when the wind isn't blowing and the rain drops aren't splashing, but let's be real.

Is there something I buy that won't break the bank or do I just walk to work in yoga pants and a tshirt when it's raining and change in the bathroom when I get there.


  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Full length dress raincoat ?
    Macy's, nordys, Burberry ect
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Change when you get to work. Get a HUGE umbrella. I have one that keeps me really dry (apart from my shoes). If you don't want to rock the gum boots, wear some old shoes. I go for a walk in my lunch break & I always take my sneakers to change into.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Alright all. I need some tips for combating the rain. I only live 6.5 blocks from work, so I'd love to walk because quite frankly driving is a waste of money and it's easier to get my 13,000 steps when I walk. My question for walkers/bike commuters is what do you do when it rains.

    My dress code is business professional and the drown rat look doesn't cut it. Plus it's incredibly uncomfortable sitting in wet pants all morning. I have an umbrella which works great when the wind isn't blowing and the rain drops aren't splashing, but let's be real.

    Is there something I buy that won't break the bank or do I just walk to work in yoga pants and a tshirt when it's raining and change in the bathroom when I get there.

    Long raincoat plus boots, then change when you get to work? I live too far away from where I work, but the couple of coworkers who daily use their bike to get here, they just brign a change of clothes.