New mom! Want a fitness buddy!

Hello people!
I am a new mom, my baby is 2 months old and i need to get back into my pre pregnancy weight, i work out and do jillian michaels and fitness blender workouts and love the endorphins! I use MFP to stay below 1800 cals, can't go too low on cals as I'm breastfeeding. I eat very clean. Would love to make friends here with like minded ppl.
Make good choices :)


  • Curtruns
    Curtruns Posts: 510 Member
    Hello, my name is Curt.....I kind of eat clean, however I think if I quit drinking beer I would wither away. I am a runner, all other fitness activities are simply to support my running.
  • soumya_arch
    soumya_arch Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Curt!

    Its great to have an activity u love, its so much easier to stay fit that way and it is more sustainable