5 day workout

Looking to change from a 4 day workout to a 5 day workout, any ideas on splitting up my body parts? I workout at home so I only use barbells and dumbbells. Any idea would be greatly appreciated! :)


  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    Need more info. What are your goals? What is your current split? Any recovery issues on your current split? How long have you been training consistently?
  • steeler736
    steeler736 Posts: 76 Member
    Goals are to gain muscle and be stronger. No recovery issues, if I do I just take a day off. I do legs and calfskin day 1. Day 2, bicept, triceps, forarms. Day 3 chest and abs and low back. day 4, back and chest. Been training about 7 months
  • S4Lyons
    S4Lyons Posts: 147 Member
    Why do you train chest and back 2 days in a row? Why not try out a routine thats consists of compound movements, and add a shoulder day man :)
    I forgot shoulders when i started lifting
    Training more doesnt mean faster results some people's bodies dont cope with more exercise... Just focus on what works for you man, train hard
  • steeler736
    steeler736 Posts: 76 Member
    Dude I miss typed it! Day 4, back and shoulders.
  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    edited April 2015
    steeler736 wrote: »
    Looking to change from a 4 day workout to a 5 day workout, any ideas on splitting up my body parts? I workout at home so I only use barbells and dumbbells. Any idea would be greatly appreciated! :)

    Here's my split:

    Day 1: Back, Traps and Abs
    Day 2: Heavy Chest and Tris, Calves
    Day 3: Glutes and Hamstrings and Biceps
    Day 4: Off
    Day 5: Delts and Tris
    Day 6: Friday: Quads
    Day 7: Off but I usually get in some auxiliaries
  • steeler736
    steeler736 Posts: 76 Member
    ty redrepublic
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    If you have only been lifting for 7 months, then you probably still have a lot of room to make rapid strength gains. Have you finished out a linear progression strength program (like SS or SL) yet? If yes, then take a look at PHAT. That will give you 2x/week frequency and a good balance of strength/hypertrophy. 7 months is not a lot of experience, so stick with structured programs before you try tampering with the programs or completely freestyling.

    If you want to keep on a 1x/week bodybuilding split, the most logical progression will be to break out your back and shoulders onto separate days, and spread out the similar movements as much as possible to avoid stressing your joints (i.e., don't do bench press and shoulder press on consecutive days). You may find yourself frustrated by your work capacity at midrange weights and slow strength gains if you go this route. You also don't have the equipment for a lot of variation in your iso work.
  • steeler736
    steeler736 Posts: 76 Member
    ty rich
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    are you on a structured program, or one that you designed on your own?