Greetings and salutations!

Hello MFP.

I am a 6ft, 233 lb, 36yr old male cursed by genetics (paternal side - dad died at 40, uncle died at 44, grandfather died at 50 ... all overweight, all living a non healthy lifestyle, filled with strokes and heart attacks) but trying my best to overcome them (better late than never).

I had never been particularly healthy but after a horrible accident in 2005 it started an accelerated path to my rock bottom. Lack of mobility took my already minimally active lifestyle to a zero, depression practically moved me into the fridge, and my body and mind paid the price.

Got married to a wonderful woman in 2007 who had stuck with me during my worst.

Had a kick *kitten* son in 2009.

6 years later I find myself wanting/needing to get myself in a place where I don't feel like I'm running out of time.

I tried MFP haphazardly in mid 2014 but after some trouble logging things I found it all too easy to walk away from it. Late 2014 I started gym'ing intensely after recovering from a much belated back surgery. Early 2015 I find myself looking at it less as a grab one thing and do it and more as a toolbox that needs to be filled with a variety of tools so I find myself doubling down on trying MFP again and adding it to my toolbox nice and proper like.

My general diet is much better than it used to be but nowhere near where it should be and my greatest nemesis (other than the horrible habit of "just going to the fridge" for no rhyme or reason) is my sweettooth. It was worlds easier to switch soda to water and tea than it is for me to walk past a reese's peanut butter cup and not eat it and all of it's delicious brothers and sisters.
Luckily I've found some nice alternatives recently (thank you Quest bars!!).

My general fitness and gym time has gone from plans and wants to doing it and keeping it up which has been great for my spirit and the feeling of "being able to do it". It's not changing my body in ways that are easily visible to me but I've noticed lots of cues from pants fitting better, average BPM going down a lot during peak exertion, and being able to go longer and farther with less pain all showing me that there is improvement happening.

I hope to end up at a place closer to 199lbs (but I'll settle for slightly more attractive by summer for our Disney World trip=) ), I hope to end up living longer than any of my relatives have before me, I hope to live "better" every day until then, and I hope to provide a good example to my son to show him that no matter which direction the deck is stacked - enough effort, willpower, and motivation can move the deck wherever the hell you want it.

So there is my Big Blue introduction with where I've been, where I'm at, and where I hope to be.
I look forward to knowing the community better and transitioning from a lurker to an active participant.


  • Zyphun
    Zyphun Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome back. Congratulations on getting started again! You sound like you are doing good. I feel for you about the sweet tooth that was easily the most difficult part of deciding I was going to get healthy. It was difficult, and I took baby steps, but I replaced my sweet tooth with a pair of walking shoes. You said you had a lack of mobility so maybe that isn't the answer for you. I would suggest it if you can though. Some small easy cardio that you can just lose yourself in. I still crave sweets, but I treat them like an addiction. People here say you don't need to give up food, but there are plenty of positive things to replace that love of food so why not find something else to enjoy? Anyway. Good luck with your journey. If I sound like the kind of person that you want to offer you support then feel free to add me!
  • bigbluemachine
    bigbluemachine Posts: 9 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thank you for the warm welcome =)

    I'm not sure how to add people yet but I'm trying to figure it out now before It's time for me to battle the school's car rider lane. (expect to be added shortly or in a few!)

    ((figured out and added XD))
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 302 Member
    Cheers to the quest! Stay loyal, you have your bannermen to call upon in times of need. I too am struggling to get it together as a spouse and parent, etc. A trip to Disney would suit my enthusiasm and drive nicely but it isn't on the books. A trip to GenCon in Indianapolis is so I will take what I have! Cheers to motivation and celebration!
  • bigbluemachine
    bigbluemachine Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you! Friend Added =)

    Huzzahs all around for a most excellent trip to GenCon, I will gladly tell the Mouse and friends that you all said "Hello", and I bet we can fit in tons more reasons for celebration between now and our respective trips.