Pregnant and looking for a "buddy"

Hello! I'm currently almost 8 months pregnant, and looking to gain only the recommended (for me) 0.5 lbs/week during my last month and a half. Lately I've been eating tons of crap, and I'm looking for someone with similar goals to support me (and I'll support them) with my goal of eating HEALTHY food (lots of it though) and minimizing empty calories. Please message me if you're interested!


  • BunnyStylez
    BunnyStylez Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there! I am in the same boat as you- about 8 months and was told I was gaining too much. Hoping to watch what I eat better in the next few weeks...
  • Jen5310
    Jen5310 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi sorry I just got your message! Sounds great, wanna be friends? :) I usually aim for around 2000 calories or so per day, depending on my activity level. The past few weeks I've been gaining quicker than usual so I'd love that to slow down...
  • mommywally
    mommywally Posts: 4 Member
    Eat what you want ladies. If your baby is asking for food feed him or her I have 3 children my first was 7pounds and 6 oz my 2nd pregnancy was twins my son came out 7 pounds and 1oz and his twin sister 7 pounds and 10 oz I gained weight but that's what your suppose to do in pregnancy worry about your gut after your healthy babies are born live life less worry :smile: