Hate running but want to run

Hi there,

I've always hated running--I've never quite had the lungs for it, it hurts my legs, and I often get side stitches. However, I would like to give it another try this spring as I am in better shape than I have been in years and think it would be good to add to my exercise regimen (currently only do Jillian Michaels/Fitnessblender videos at home).

Do you have any advice on how to get started and/or how to enjoy it more?



  • marissacontos
    marissacontos Posts: 6 Member
    I use my running time as time to just reflect. I think about everything except running. Just take it slow and turn on some music :)
  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    Look up Couch to 5k.
  • joolsmd
    joolsmd Posts: 375 Member
    I tried running and it didn't like me so I choose other cardio. However my sister does run and said the worst thing about it is starting. You'll be knackered and gasping for air, then one day it will all go great and you'll nail it.
  • turtles12
    turtles12 Posts: 12 Member
    Couch to 5K is a great program, check it out!
  • umisquirrel
    umisquirrel Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks, guys! I'm going to check out Couch to 5K. Has anyone used the app?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Ride your bike instead.

    I also hate running, so I don't do it.
  • jenncalicollins617
    jenncalicollins617 Posts: 79 Member
    Another vote for c25k. About failed gym in hs because I refused to run, hated it. Started running recently (30yrs later) & now I'm addicted.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    If you don't like running, you aren't going to like running.

    Give c25k a shot. If you don't like it, check out strong lifts 5x5. Lift heavy instead.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I used to think like you, I hated running, but everyone was running so I thought I should try. NOPE still hate it. Even walking for exercise without a destination is boring. I will walk with hubby and check stuff out thats fun, but just walk for a workout, nope.

    So what I say, find what you enjoy and have fun. Exercise should be fun! For me I dance :)
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    Get some good sneakers and take it slow.
  • patrickreeveboyd
    patrickreeveboyd Posts: 701 Member
    IPOD OR MIXES TO RUN TO! Message me if you want to know my most inspiring uptempo songs. Or do cardio theater at the gym if you can
  • lulucitron
    lulucitron Posts: 366 Member
    It's awful for your body. Whenever I do it, I always regret it; especially since the last time I got hit by a glass juice bottle that someone threw at me from the window of their car.
  • bornofthorns
    bornofthorns Posts: 143 Member
    C25k...Also, said little mini milestones. It helps you focus and makes it a bit more fun. Just recently, I have added a running partner (you can also find run groups) and that can help make it more fun. Lastly, don't try and be fast. In fact, I would say try to be slow so that you focus on form and breathing then slowly gain speed.
  • patrickreeveboyd
    patrickreeveboyd Posts: 701 Member
    I kind of dreaded it till... It became sort of a dance party... and a fun DJ set let to make
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    edited April 2015
    I used to hate running and swore I would never do it. But, I felt compelled to do it anyway, so I just kept working at it.

    My advice is to start slow (like with C25K). Don't rush yourself or make yourself feel like you need to be fast - as you get better at running longer distances, you will probably get faster automatically - so just jog at a pace that feels comfortable for you and doesn't leave you out of breath immediately. I started out just trying to run 1/4 mile or around the block, worked my way up to 1/2 a mile, got to a point where I could run a mile and did that for quite a long time, and then started working past the 1 mile mark again.

    Music is absolutely necessary for me while running, so find a station or a playlist that you think you'd enjoy running to or make one in advance.

    I'm taking a break from running at the moment and I actually really miss it now. :)
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I love running now. Took me several tries to finally like it but I like it now
  • trailgurl26
    trailgurl26 Posts: 2 Member
    I hated to run and was embarrassed of my weight so I started running with a couch to 5K program and only ran at night so no one would see me. That was over 8 years ago when I was 40. I never planned on doing anything longer than a 5K and now I have just finished my 12th full marathon and have also run two ultramarathons. Never say never. Good luck. If you want to run, that is enough motivation.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hi there,

    I've always hated running--I've never quite had the lungs for it, it hurts my legs, and I often get side stitches. However, I would like to give it another try this spring as I am in better shape than I have been in years and think it would be good to add to my exercise regimen (currently only do Jillian Michaels/Fitnessblender videos at home).

    Do you have any advice on how to get started and/or how to enjoy it more?


    I never liked running till I signed up for a race and had something to train for.
  • ElsaVonMarmalade
    ElsaVonMarmalade Posts: 154 Member
    Run slower. Everyone I've met who hates running describes exactly what you're saying - out of breath, stitch in side, etc. That should only happen, if at all, when you're doing speed work/sprinting, which is totally unnecessary for a beginner (or even for an old-timer who is not particularly concerned with pace, like me).

    Next time you try running, the minute you start to feel uncomfortable, just slow way down. Run as slow as you can without actually walking. Eventually your lung function and muscles will improve to the point that you WANT to run faster because it will be more comfortable. Let it happen naturally. When you start to get short of breath or get a stitch, just slow it down. Running is great and I'm really glad you're going to give it another try!
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    lulucitron wrote: »
    It's awful for your body. Whenever I do it, I always regret it;

    This person. Ignore her