Calling all women who are 5'10 to share their story and hopefully some pictures!


  • carmelamadeleine
    carmelamadeleine Posts: 31 Member
    :) Hi! i'm 5'9.5". =b short by half inch. im a first time mom to a 10-month baby boy. I've been trying to lose the last 15-20 lbs.
    Heaviest weight-154.
    Current weight is 150 lbs
    and i want to be around 134lbs
    Started on this app & been trying to monitor my weight. My weakness is food, hehe

    16 lbs to go!
    How about you?
  • sarasnowpn
    sarasnowpn Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'11. 237#. I've lost 8# so far. I had some health issues with my dd after she was born and my weight went up when I relactated and taking a med that had weight gain as a side effect. Now that everything has gotten better, I'm taking my body back. No pictures on here yet.
    Discovered hot yoga also, so I'm looking forward to really changing my lifestyle. I've never really had a good relationship with exercise. Nor have I seen 1st hand how a changing body responds to lifestlye.
  • msmichydo
    msmichydo Posts: 55 Member
    I'm 5'9" and a half, currently around 165 lbs. I've always been at this weight, however last year I was working hard and eating right and running every other day, and it look me about 4 months to lose 15 lbs. I've sadly gained that all back, but now I'm back on it again and looking to lose 20 lbs this year, to be at my best weight and shape I've ever been in. Tired of feeling like crap and hating on my body, it's the time to break bad habits and make a major change.
  • lbukata
    lbukata Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, Amazons!

    I'm 5'10 and currently at 224, having lost 5lbs so far. I started my own business out of my home three years ago, which means my commute to work is from my bedroom to the other bedroom - and often the "second office" of the couch! - and am in constant range of a full fridge.

    This is the first time I've ever tried calorie counting OR 3-4 a week cardio and so far I really like it. (I mean, as much as anyone who doesn't like running can like running. ;)) Trying to get more involved in the forum side of MFP!

    I guess I'm not much of a "success story" yet, but bookmarking for inspiration!
  • regulusarcturus
    regulusarcturus Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'10. Heaviest weight was 322 lbs and currently at 181 lbs. It took since October 2013 and I'd like to get down to 150 lbs but there's quite a bit of skin so...I think I'm really probably 170 or so without the excess skin.

    Just counted calories. I ate carbs. Didn't do anything special. I did walk and do Zumba as well as yoga but it wasn't every day. Really, I just tried to move more. Parked far away from doors at stores, things like that.
  • emshort01
    emshort01 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I'm also only 5' 9" inch too short lol! I have just started almost 2 weeks ago and down 14lbs! Started at 300, now 286, honestly I'm just hoping to lose 100lbs! But eventually I'd be happy at 170, pics will come one day when it actually looks like I've lost weight lol
  • erinm5
    erinm5 Posts: 55 Member
    edited April 2015

    Here is my mini success story! I am 5 foot 10 =)

    Since then I have lost an additional 4 pounds.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    Hi, 5'10", started MFP back in 2010 at heaviest weight of 220 (age 48.5), lost 75 pounds (60 pounds in 6 months, about 12 pounds in the next 6 months, then a few pounds over the last 3-4 years in general maintenance mode), got down to 145 at age....ummm....50 I guess. Found out that my 75-pound loss was probably quite a bit of fat, but also substantial muscle mass, because I mostly did cardio for exercise. So last fall, facing an upcoming winter where everything slows down and I don't get outside so much, I joined a gym and started weight-training with free weights and a personal trainer. Probably one of the best decisions I've ever made for my health.

    This past winter, then, I purposefully "bulked" to add calories so muscles could build up as I lifted progressively heavier. Now I'm at 155 and entering my first "cut," where I go back in calorie deficit mode, maintain lifting (but probably not going to progress much this summer), pick up bike riding, and lose maybe 5-10 pounds of primarily fat. I suspect that by the end of this summer, inches will be dropped, fat dropped, and while I may weigh the same, or be even heavier than I was this past fall, I'll look quite a bit different--more lean and muscular (I hope!). Should be interesting!
  • charmmeth
    charmmeth Posts: 936 Member
    I am 5'11'' ust made it down below 72k/160 lb) and now aiming 70kg /145lb as my final goal. There are a couple of great thrads already for taller women: and
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    CW: 215.4
    GW: 180

    I've always been overweight. This is the smallest I've been since I don't remember when. Easily middle school. But I was also shorter then… so proportionally, I may be even smaller than I was in middle school. I began the weight loss process almost exactly a year ago. (4/20/14) It's all been done through diet and exercise. No pills, no surgery. No shakes or supplements. No prescribed diet plan. Just moderation and portion control.
  • susansmoaks
    susansmoaks Posts: 77 Member
    I am 5'9" I started at nearly 300 pounds. I lost down to 152 about 2 years ago. I am back up to 173 and maintaining there. I am happy at my current weight but would love to get back down to 150 so I can wear my skinny jeans and shorts again!
  • micheledemetroff
    micheledemetroff Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 5'10" and current weight is 191 lbs. down from 195 lbs. I have not lost much weight, but about 2" off waist, chest, 0.5" off hips and thighs. I am currently strength training and doing some cardio 3-4 times a week. I am not in a rush to lose due to the fact that I want to be able to maintain for a long time (forever!) I do want to be around 155 lbs.
  • bwade1998
    bwade1998 Posts: 12 Member
    I am 5'9 and currently at 271lbs. I just started seriously on MFP a few weeks ago. Would like to get down to around the 160 range but was very content when I was 170lbs. I find my self struggling with weekends! I do very well all week and then the weekend comes and bam I lose all control. Taking it day by day and finding the support on MFP a great tool!
  • Jilliankosto
    Jilliankosto Posts: 216 Member
    I am 5' 9.5" and have always hovered around 165-170. When I watch what I eat I get down to 160 but never below that without vigorous exercise and extreme dieting. I would like to be at 145. I have 18 pounds to go.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    I'm 5'10"
    Almost 48 years old (June)
    SW = 236 (October 2014) - top weight ever
    CW = 207
    GW = 160-170

    Currently CICO (1200 calories plus exercise cals = approx 1600) and Running. Several races this summer (5 and 10k) then in the fall I'm switching to Stronglifts 5x5.
  • howzer123
    howzer123 Posts: 9 Member
    This is my start of insanity vs 2 weeks in.

    Woah. I'm gunna need to look into Insanity. Amazing work joleneee421 x
  • beanerschnitzel
    beanerschnitzel Posts: 75 Member
    5'9" and a half. Lurking success story in the making. :)
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