100+lbs overweight



  • Finallygibbs
    Finallygibbs Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm happy for an add. I've just started and was 282 and need to get to 140 at least. I'm really going for it this time and determined to succeed!
  • jaimestroud5
    jaimestroud5 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm here with ya!!! Feel free to add me, everyone. <3
  • chicky902
    chicky902 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello everyone! I am in the same situation, have over 100 pounds to lose & health is not super great. I need so much help focusing & keeping on track- have a stressful job & hate that I just let that comfort food come in & just completely take over my life. Need help getting it back, add me! Thanks!
  • carlylane04
    carlylane04 Posts: 53 Member
    Hey I came here to post the exact same thing! I have over 100 lbs to lose and it just seems too daunting. I have a problem with having no willpower. I just joined WW so I have been spending most of my time tracking points lately but I do check in here for accountability and friends for support! I'm going to add you!
  • dianedroletmannino
    dianedroletmannino Posts: 1 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me! I've started the 100 pound journey. Exercise 6days a week but bones Spurs are making it hard! Need motivation!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    ABrown022 wrote: »
    I think because I'm aiming to lose 100lbs I'm forgetting that i have to lose small amounts of weight to reach that 100 pound. I just want it gone and I want to feel comfertae in my own skin. I hate dieting and everything else but I know it's what I have to do. I just need to do it. I thank each n everyone of u for being with me on this journey. God Bless.

    So don't diet. Work on slowly developing a healthier lifestyle that is going to work for you.

    I started at 300, am currently at 209 and my goal is 190. I will add you.
  • Mitchellcm
    Mitchellcm Posts: 43 Member
    My starting weight was 255 I'm at 249 now, hoping to get to 140. Anybody can add me too! Need lots of friends and motivation!
  • MsJulesRenee
    MsJulesRenee Posts: 1,180 Member
    ABrown022 wrote: »
    Hey everyone. I bet all of us can agree that this journey is hard. I can't even count how many time I have said "I'm starting over" or "I'm going to do this this time". I have to say though since I have been making new friends on here and getting my feelings out in the open and everyone not being so judgmental has helped me significantly. I don't have ppl I can just go to to talk about how I am feeling and everything going on because they really don't understand. everyone I talk to around me are super skinny and can eat whatever they want without gaining a pound. they say the understand and will help me through it but they never do and the never had weight issues so I feel they will never understand where I am coming from. I get a lot of "stop being so hard on yourself, you look great". I appreciate the encouragement but I know my true weight and the health risks that I am headed for... I know what I have to do and because of all of you I think I'm ready to make that lifestyle change. Thank you all for being here for all of us and helping motivate the unmotivated.

    @ABrown022 I started enjoying losing weight when I learned how to properly cook produce - which gave me a new passion! Also committed to learning something new about weight loss everyday. Find something you enjoy, like a certain machine at the gym, certain foods, learning about nutrition, writing down small goals, to keep you motivated. Since you're going to be doing this for awhile might as well have fun and it makes the months go by faster.
  • linda_forsythe
    linda_forsythe Posts: 1 Member
    Please feel free to add me! Hello y'all my name is Linda and to everybody that read this, we all know that this journey is hard and we all have struggles, some the same and some very different. I believe that if one is willing to put their feelings out of their comfort zone nothing but great will come. I have been on this journey for about 10 years and over that time I have tried a lot of different diets/programs with no success. I start very good for the first 45 days then when I don't see any weight loss or lose any inches I get frustrated and give up. Yes, I know that we all have family struggles, I have been married for 18 years and my husband has severe seizures, epilepsy and psychological, and can get combative. He is always commenting on how "fat" I am and ask when I'm going to lose weight. Plus, he refuses to eat any veggies! He bad habits has rubbed off onto our three children. When we first got together, I was a size 10 weighed 150 pounds and very happy. Now I'm a size 24 and weight 286 pounds and very depressed! I'm looking for encouragement, positive support, and motivation to get to the gym ( since I have nobody to go with ) and to possibly make new friends. I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this and I wish you nothing but the best in your journey!
  • ABrown022
    ABrown022 Posts: 13 Member
    I am so thankful for all you during this journey. we are all here with the same passion and goals to become healthier. please feel free to add me and message me any time. I look forward to making new friends during this journey.
  • Myweightlossdiary
    Myweightlossdiary Posts: 185 Member
    I'm looking for extra support too. I have about 95 lbs to lose until I get to my goal weight. Feel free to add! I look forward to taking this journey together! Good luck to us all. :smile:
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Congrats to everyone starting out or already well on their way. I am also part of the 100 lb club, and I started working on my fitness back in September 2014 after my "aha" moment hit.

    Months later and yes, quite a bit of cardio work (which I enjoy), I'm much, much, fitter, feel great, fit in clothes I've not worn for many years, and it's been a long time since I last worried about reaching my goal.

    Currently I'm a little more than half way to my goal weight objective, and I'm making steady progress on becoming again the runner I once was. When I started I would not have believed it could be possible for me to substantially reach my goal weight by my birthday in September 2015 but... and I'm only just now realizing this(!)... it's possible!

    Anyway, wherever I'm add in September I'll be good with it. Fitness-for-life is my real objective, not a scale number.
  • lisamtippie
    lisamtippie Posts: 10 Member
    Please add me as well if anyone on this thread needs new friends. I'm struggling with binge eating disorder and depression. Currently weigh about 318 pounds and my goal is 165- I am 5'10". Right now I am struggling to be more active using my Fitbit and logging my food everyday no matter what. Honestly sometimes I log just to see how bad I did! One habit at a time, and right now that habit is logging. :-)