New to weight loss ... need help staying motivated and not to give up.

queencoleman Posts: 2 Member
edited April 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. It's about 1:30 am right now where I am and I should be sleep. Instead I'm thinking about my weight. At 5'2" and 210 pounds. ..something has to change. I have to little boys. When I was younger my metabolism was through the roof. I never passed. 125. I always seem to start some fad juice cleanse or extreme workouts and never finish. I can't seem to stay motivated. I've become depressed. I feel like I'm the only one going through this! Any advice on where I should start? Thanks in advance.


  • SwallowInTheOcean
    SwallowInTheOcean Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5'3 and at my heaviest I was 220. I gained that all during my pregnancy from stress eating. The only thing that really helped me get started was counting calories. Even if you go over, track them all. It's not going to fix itself over night, but if you keep at it you'll get there! You're definitely not the only one going through this :smile:
  • Laindiana
    Laindiana Posts: 13 Member
    Best of luck I am also 5'3 260 pounds after 2 kids and I'm also so buzy I don't take the time to eat healthy but I'm hoping to start... good lucky .. I'm new to this site so just learning ..
  • SoulSisterSoulBrother
    SoulSisterSoulBrother Posts: 220 Member
    Stop fad diets. :0) They really dont work. Find out your bmr and tdee and start from there with some exercise. It is quite a sane way to go about it, and you can adjust as you go along. Good luck!