Any thoughts on Carbohydrate addiction

I have always been a chip /french fry person..sweets never got to me ...crunch and salt I guess are my weakness....I read a few things that lead me to view myself as a carb addict..I get sleepy after I eat carb loaded foods...I did awesome when I went on Atkins ..but of course over did it and didnt stick to it ...anyone out there who knows about Carbs and would like to share some insight on how to cut them down ..with out over doing it and cutting them out ? I was eating 10 or less a day and lost 35-40 ish pounds in a month and a half ... but gained it all back and more ....I can be in full ketosis within 24-48 hours where it takes others 2 weeks or more ....probably because I over do it ..and they use the good sense to ease into it.


  • pizzygirltx
    pizzygirltx Posts: 96
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    We consume complex carbs every day, but as with anything moderation is key. I am not a fan of any plan, such as Atkins, that has you cut out an important food group. It is not healthy and you will just put that weight right back on as that diet is just not sustainable for life.
    Enjoy a few servings of your favorite carbs each day, but keep the portion size small. This way you are not depriving yourself and enjoying the things you love.
    I eat what I want, but keep the portion size in mind depending on what it is.
  • chris_elizabeth
    chris_elizabeth Posts: 49 Member
    I am also a salty craver!! I found a couple 'chip' alternatives which I mean are still not great but can help you cut the urge, and just eat less of them right?

    Popchips - they are super tastey only 180 calories for 31 chips (and ya sure still have sodium and fat, BUTT its not as bad as normal chips!)
    They also have a lot of salt free chips out now, another option to atleast get you 'crunch crave' gone, but not have AS negative impact as a normal chip!

    I am also interested to hear what people have to say on here!!!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    This was on Dr Oz yesterday, about addiction to carbs.......Kinda scarry. I think , for the most, what they were trying to enforce, was high complex carbs , versus low complex, ie, sweet potatoes, whole wheat grains, etc versus, chips, fries, white bread, etc

    The whole point of Dr Oz show was to get people weaned off of carbs and onto grains and fruits.............I think eating wheat, rye, whole grains is OK, just in portion control.....Lloyd
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    sorry, double post.....
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Can you take a first step of changing the carbs you are eating - maybe swapping fries for sweet potatoes, nuts (lightly salted) for the chips? One thing that seems to be working for me right now is only eating carbs at a certain time of the day when I have already had a meal - I am only allowing myself carbs after dinner - when I have already had protein and I am not as hungry. Maybe you can try something like that too ( I have only been doing this 2 days, so can't tell you if it will work long term for me)
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    Try reading about The Zone diet by Barry Sears. Low carb, good carbs and what they do for you and why. Plus how to balance out protein, fat, and carbs. Right now I am counting carbs. I try limit 2-3 servings per meal and 1-2 servings per snack. One serving is 15g. I don't have to go over board one way or another and if I have something that is carb loaded I can get back on track with the next meal. Remember that losing 1-2 lbs a week is the best way to keep it off for good. So if you are consistently losing a ton then evaluate what you are doing and adjust. You are not doing your body any favors by losing so much a such a short period then gaining it back. Good Luck!
  • Melisa454
    Melisa454 Posts: 8 Member
    I don't know if you watch the Dr Oz show, but his topic yesterday was just that. Check it out on his website. It is still on the home page. :)
  • Leanne1795
    Leanne1795 Posts: 186
    I am low carbing at the moment and I couldn't eat chips if I tried. See, the point of doing Atkins is that, if you do it properly, you end up thoroughly weaned off of the huge carby amounts that you used to enjoy.
    I use the Atkins forum on minimins to keep me on the right path. There is a lot of encouragement and support there. Some great recipes too, like celeriac chips! Yummy. If you want to start again then come and join us. :smile:
  • DaChozn
    DaChozn Posts: 134 Member
    I have always been a chip /french fry person..sweets never got to me ...crunch and salt I guess are my weakness....I read a few things that lead me to view myself as a carb addict..I get sleepy after I eat carb loaded foods...I did awesome when I went on Atkins ..but of course over did it and didnt stick to it ...anyone out there who knows about Carbs and would like to share some insight on how to cut them down ..with out over doing it and cutting them out ? I was eating 10 or less a day and lost 35-40 ish pounds in a month and a half ... but gained it all back and more ....I can be in full ketosis within 24-48 hours where it takes others 2 weeks or more ....probably because I over do it ..and they use the good sense to ease into it.

    Are you a person that if you eat a little carbs, you go overboard (points to myself! haha)? Some people (me included) have to have a structured diet to keep from sabotaging their efforts. I have the same effects you described when I indulge in carb loaded food. I can never go as extreme as Atkins for an extended period of time (unless I'm fasting after a splurge), but I have found a way to control my cravings and still have my carbs everyday and still lose weight. Let me know if you're interested and I'll PM ya. :smile:
  • Ginger4real
    Ginger4real Posts: 162
    Thanks for taking the time to respond. I think i have my brain so conditioned that food = fat ...I need to learn not to fear food but use it as fuel ..I'm low energy , sleepy all day etc... I am trying this time to just cut out the white basic flour type breads ...cut back on sugar ..such as kid type cereals and basic white sugar in coffee. The hardest thing to do for me seems to be, to eat more often ...I forget then when im weak and hungry I grab soe quick fix thats carb loaded ..and want to go to bed ...terrible feeling. Any suggestions of foods that are good carbs that can replace my bad ones would be awesome if there are crackers that can replace chips or maybe a good bread to replace my regular white bread or bagels..toast is my grab and go snack. I bought some honey wheat and oat bread ..I do like the flax or country harvest breads...My daughters are having a hard time adjusting to not having white bread in the house.
  • Ginger4real
    Ginger4real Posts: 162
    I have always been a chip /french fry person..sweets never got to me ...crunch and salt I guess are my weakness....I read a few things that lead me to view myself as a carb addict..I get sleepy after I eat carb loaded foods...I did awesome when I went on Atkins ..but of course over did it and didnt stick to it ...anyone out there who knows about Carbs and would like to share some insight on how to cut them down ..with out over doing it and cutting them out ? I was eating 10 or less a day and lost 35-40 ish pounds in a month and a half ... but gained it all back and more ....I can be in full ketosis within 24-48 hours where it takes others 2 weeks or more ....probably because I over do it ..and they use the good sense to ease into it.

    Are you a person that if you eat a little carbs, you go overboard (points to myself! haha)? Some people (me included) have to have a structured diet to keep from sabotaging their efforts. I have the same effects you described when I indulge in carb loaded food. I can never go as extreme as Atkins for an extended period of time (unless I'm fasting after a splurge), but I have found a way to control my cravings and still have my carbs everyday and still lose weight. Let me know if you're interested and I'll PM ya. :smile:

    Yes I am interested ...I dont know if I go over board...but it seems to be all I buy ....Not that I havent ate a whole big bag of chips before ....but usually I can stop ...but then the next thing I have is carb loaded too...I never liked Veggies as a kid ..complex from my mom forcing me to eat everythign on my plate ..I learned to hate all of them ...starting to eat more of them now though
  • Ginger4real
    Ginger4real Posts: 162
    Ps im 3 days into this site so im just figuring out the message boards and what not ..bare with me if I mess it up..just tried the quote thing for the first time
  • Ginger4real
    Ginger4real Posts: 162

    What does bump mean ?
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I have always been a chip /french fry person..sweets never got to me ...crunch and salt I guess are my weakness....I read a few things that lead me to view myself as a carb addict..I get sleepy after I eat carb loaded foods...I did awesome when I went on Atkins ..but of course over did it and didnt stick to it ...anyone out there who knows about Carbs and would like to share some insight on how to cut them down ..with out over doing it and cutting them out ? I was eating 10 or less a day and lost 35-40 ish pounds in a month and a half ... but gained it all back and more ....I can be in full ketosis within 24-48 hours where it takes others 2 weeks or more ....probably because I over do it ..and they use the good sense to ease into it.

    friend me and read my blog :) carbs are very addictive, i sound alot like you. you have to do what you gotta do to get the weight off, and then you have to make this a lifestyle! you can never go back to eating the way you used to eat. You have to find the carb limit that your body can handle without gaining weight. and stick to it! it doesn't mean you can never have a "treat" again, but it shouldn't be everyday, or every week even. special occasions only. 80-90% of the time should be healthy clean natural foods.
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    There are tons of articles out there about carb addiction, and really how it's all related to your insulin levels. You eat carbs, your insulin goes up dramatically (as opposed to other macros), and when your insulin crashes down, you burn out, and immediately crave that carb feeling again. It's a roller coaster of insulin ride. Some people have less of an issue with this, others (like myself) , it's pretty dramatic.

    I now eat a low carb diet (not no carb), and most of my carbs come from the fruits/veggies I eat. I can tell you that as soon as I eat bread, cereal, pasta, or whatever else like that, I want more and more, sooner and sooner, It's a vicious cycle for me, that I couldn't break until I cut that stuff out of my diet. Now, the weight just melts away with little to no effort, and I don't have those terrible cravings or feelings of, "OMG I have to eat NOW!!!!" like I used to. I feel more "even keel" so to speak.

    So yes, I do believe in carb addiction. I am a carb addict. A recovering one. I still will have bread from time to time, or have a waffle on Sunday morning, but I am much more conscious about what/when I put something into my body, b/c I know the effects it has on my system. So now, I have a pretty primal lifestyle, which is working great for me (look at my before and after pix).

    Oh, and how to cut them out? I just started eating "differently". Breakfast was the hardest, b/c I'd always eaten cereal. Now I have something high in protein - eggs, greek yogurt, or ricotta cheese and fruit.

    Lunch - no more chips, bread (ah, sandwiches....), but I eat a large salad full of nuts, cheese, with some turkey breast on the side

    Dinner - that's easy. protein (meat, chicken, fish) with a side of veggies. (my hubby and kids will get some addn'l starch)

    Hope that helps! But once you cut down on that stuff, you'll find that the cravings are less and less. And the less you crave it, the less you eat it.
  • Ginger4real
    I didn't see these responses until tonight ..I would love to join any groups that discuss carb issues. I am currently watching my carbs again and cutting sugar ..feel free to add me if anyone would like :)
  • naturallykat
    naturallykat Posts: 118 Member
    Another recovering carb addict here. Its no wonder you feel sleepy after carbs and then are hungry again, that's the insulin talking.

    I used to think I could never give up my carbs. My mindset has changed, and now I enjoy high protein, high fat food (I eat paleo, google it) and my attitude towards eating has really changed as a consequence of my food intake, as I don't feel hungry until a lot later than my previous diet, and I seem much more in tune with my satiety when I eat, too.

    I allow myself a carbs day once a week, so that I don't feel deprived (although alcohol is sneaking in for a few days, I must control that one!). I have carbohydrates daily in the form of any lovely vegetables including carrots and sweet potatoes, just not from processed stuff or grains.

    Their website seems to be down at the moment, but there's usually lots of support and articles on Nerd Fitness' site for Paleo style eating, and they have a great forum you can join.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I'm a carb lover too! I'm working on not basing my meals on carbs, and/or only having one serving of carbs. 1 piece of bread, 2 small corn tortillas, half a cup of rice, 1 cup of whole wheat pasta per meal for me. I'm not worried about counting carbs at all, I eat tons of fruits and veggies. Every meal my concentration is eating protein and fruits and veggies and then the extra grainy carb is more of an afterthought or an accompaniment. Things like potato chips that I might binge on I either don't bring into the house or buy in single portion servings.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    This was on Dr Oz yesterday

    then it must be bull****.