WW Member and struggling

Good morning all,

My name is Angie and I am currently partaking in the new Weight Watchers PointsPlus program. I am struggling with this plan so thought maybe I would try to track my calories and my WW points to see if I can figure out what's going wrong.

I am only 4'10" so based on my current weight, I am considered overweight :ohwell: and unfortunately my weight tends to stick to my midsection which makes me look preggers. I suffer from infertility so to have someone ask if I am pregnant is very hurtful :cry: , but I know they do not mean any harm so I just suck it up and keep going.

I look forward to tracking my calories and jump starting my weight loss.


  • symphonika
    symphonika Posts: 107 Member
    good luck, I hope this site helps you out!
  • reneor
    reneor Posts: 3
    You are doing awesome, Angie! WW is a great program. You aren't deprived of anything. I lost 40 lbs on WW a few years ago. Unfortunately, I gained it all back and then some. I would suggest that you don't do as I did and stop going to WW once you hit or near your goal weight. The support is what you need to keep it off! And congratulations on your loss!!!