Advice Needed: 30 day ab/core program

jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
edited April 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
I need advice on an ab program that has the best/greatest results over 30 days.

I'm going to hit it like I never have before in May. Every single day unless the program calls for rest. Pool opens June 1.

I have lost nearly 60 lbs (from 241 to 183) since October and am below my original goal weight and at my lightest in over 20 years. My body fat percentage is 12% so I believe that I am poised for amazing results.

Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated.



  • RyanPed
    RyanPed Posts: 10 Member
    Abs are all about diet, find a cutting diet that works for you. Look at your macros 20%fat 20%carb and 49% protein works for me.
  • RyanPed
    RyanPed Posts: 10 Member
    Sorry 40%protein
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    True but I also have to put in the work to develop the ab muscles themselves. My body fat is lower than it has ever been so if I develop the muscles they will no doubt show.

    I'm looking for a proven program of x number of y type situps for day 1, x number day 2 and so on. That sort of thing. I'm self motivated but need a specific program to follow to keep me on goal.

  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    There really isnt a "program" that will get you best results. The best results come from low body fat levels. Not sure about BMI percentages. I would focus on body fat percentages. Once you start getting to about 12% body fat and lower the abs start showing more. I work out my abs everytime im in the gym(5 days a week). Try exercises that require you to "twist" the abdominal area so your obliques become visible and you can see the difference in the abdominal and oblique muscles. I like Hanging windshield wipers, cable crunches, weighted plate side bend, weighted Decline Static Twists are some good ones to do. Change them up as much as possible. Good luck.
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    betuel75 wrote: »
    There really isnt a "program" that will get you best results. The best results come from low body fat levels. Not sure about BMI percentages. I would focus on body fat percentages. Once you start getting to about 12% body fat and lower the abs start showing more. I work out my abs everytime im in the gym(5 days a week). Try exercises that require you to "twist" the abdominal area so your obliques become visible and you can see the difference in the abdominal and oblique muscles. I like Hanging windshield wipers, cable crunches, weighted plate side bend, weighted Decline Static Twists are some good ones to do. Change them up as much as possible. Good luck.

    Great advice. Thank you. I'm working with a personal trainer twice a week for the next five weeks but we're focused exclusively on arms and chest. I'm going to do abs/core and whatever else on my own time.

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    RyanPed wrote: »
    Abs are all about diet, find a cutting diet that works for you. Look at your macros 20%fat 20%carb and 49% protein works for me.

    Your macros don't equal 100%.

    Pick a solid lifting program that includes the compound lifts. Focus on diet. Realize that 30 days probably won't get you shredded.
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    edited April 2015
    I said BMI in my original post. I meant body fat percentage.
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Pick a solid lifting program that includes the compound lifts. Focus on diet. Realize that 30 days probably won't get you shredded.

    Good point. I'm trying to stay realistic but I do think considering where I am starting from and how hard I have every intention of working that I can see very noticeable gains. You're right though.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    jamesrreed wrote: »
    betuel75 wrote: »
    There really isnt a "program" that will get you best results. The best results come from low body fat levels. Not sure about BMI percentages. I would focus on body fat percentages. Once you start getting to about 12% body fat and lower the abs start showing more. I work out my abs everytime im in the gym(5 days a week). Try exercises that require you to "twist" the abdominal area so your obliques become visible and you can see the difference in the abdominal and oblique muscles. I like Hanging windshield wipers, cable crunches, weighted plate side bend, weighted Decline Static Twists are some good ones to do. Change them up as much as possible. Good luck.

    Great advice. Thank you. I'm working with a personal trainer twice a week for the next five weeks but we're focused exclusively on arms and chest. I'm going to do abs/core and whatever else on my own time.

    Just upper body???

    That's incredibly unbalanced. Where are the legs? While I'm not typically a "never skip leg day" guy, I am a "don't never do legs" guy.

    2nd on the advice to get on a "real" full-body program - preferably with compound lifts. That'll work your core/abs - better, IMO, than a "ab program."
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    As stated, abs are made in the kitchen. You look to be about 16-18% body fat if I was guessing so you will just have to cut some more fat. A structure lifting program with compound movements will be your best bet.
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member

    For reference I was 15 lbs heavier than I am in this picture in October. Absolutely killed the weight loss goal.
  • kikichewie
    kikichewie Posts: 276 Member
    Yeah I hate to say it, but your trainer isn't very good if he/she goes along with the program you've described. A good trainer knows about balance, and you wouldn't have to ask about a 30-day ab program. It would be built in. I'd find a better trainer who will help you understand what you need, not just give you what you think you want.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    jamesrreed wrote: »

    For reference I was 15 lbs heavier than I am in this picture in October. Absolutely killed the weight loss goal.

    You definitely have made some progress. No doubt. I just think you are underestimating your bf% by quite a bit.
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    Just upper body???

    That's incredibly unbalanced. Where are the legs? While I'm not typically a "never skip leg day" guy, I am a "don't never do legs" guy.

    2nd on the advice to get on a "real" full-body program - preferably with compound lifts. That'll work your core/abs - better, IMO, than a "ab program."

    I knew that was coming. I'm also working on legs, just not with the personal trainer.

    One hour with trainer on Tues & Thurs, 1-2 hours on my own every other week day and hopefully at least once on the weekend.

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hornsby wrote: »
    jamesrreed wrote: »

    For reference I was 15 lbs heavier than I am in this picture in October. Absolutely killed the weight loss goal.

    You definitely have made some progress. No doubt. I just think you are underestimating your bf% by quite a bit.

    I agree. You aren't at 12%. Your trainer is also doing you a serious disservice if he's not having you do legs. Legs is where the big burn is at and where core stability comes from.

  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    You definitely have made some progress. No doubt. I just think you are underestimating your bf% by quite a bit.

    I was 195ish in the pic. Closer to 181-185 now. You're right though. It is likely not 12% now. Meeting with the personal trainer in a couple of hours. Will test it then.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    jamesrreed wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    You definitely have made some progress. No doubt. I just think you are underestimating your bf% by quite a bit.

    I was 195ish in the pic. Closer to 181-185 now. You're right though. It is likely not 12% now. Meeting with the personal trainer in a couple of hours. Will test it then.

    Does he use calipers or the hand held device?
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    edited April 2015
    If it is some sort of hand held device or device you stand on, know that they aren't even remotely accurate. That's probably where the confusion is coming in. If he uses calipers, those can be way wrong as well.

    Seriously, get on a structured program ( I suggest Jason Blaha's Ice Cream Fitness), eat at a slight deficit, and profit. That's gonna be your best bet.
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    Just tested using the hand held device that looks like an XBOX controller. Was 17% body fat.

    I asked the trainer for emphasis on chest and arms. He is going to hit all muscle groups though.
  • jamesrreed
    jamesrreed Posts: 97 Member
    How important is the source of protein? I'm going to lean pretty hard on protein shakes I bet.