
Hey everyone! I've been using this wonderful app for a while now and I've been so motivated and focused on tracking my food and exercise. But some days I feel so upset and down on myself. I'm 19 years old and I'm 5"1 and about 124 pounds. I was once so tiny and comfortable at 110 pounds. But once I graduated high school, started college, had two jobs, and a new boyfriend, my weight and body has changed so much! When people laugh at me when I say I wanna lose 10 pounds, I feel so bad. I'm at a healthy weight but I'm just not comfortable with this body. Yes I've gained some nice curves (and a booty lol) but I just want to go back to my normal size. I've become sooo much healthier in what I eat and I workout 4-5 times a day for about a month now. I'm not seeing any results and I'm not losing weight. I need to get rid of this sugar pouch on my tummy lol. I just really need some tips and guidance. I know my weight struggles may seem pathetic since I am considered "healthy" but everyone has body issues. Please help!
