Hashimoto's thyroiditis

Hello all!!

I'm 21 and I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis which is an auto immune disease. This disease cause hypothyroidism and it sucks :( I was wondering if there was anyone else with the same issue? I was diagnosed three months ago after two years of unexplained weight gain hair loss and depression :( I am currently on armour thyroid and hitting the gym everyday! Anyone else with the same thing seeing good results?


  • Munchkins99mum
    Munchkins99mum Posts: 5 Member
    I was diagnosed with hashimoto thyroiditis back in 2001. I had given birth to my daughter in 1999 and just never seemed to regain energy. My doctor tested my thyroid and learned it had almost shut down.i have been on thyroid replacement mess since then. It takes time to get the levels to settle and stay in the right range, but it does eventually work out.
    You will experience the hair falling out now and then, as well as your exhausted times. The best advice, is not to overdue if you are tired. If you are on medication, keep track of any unusual symptoms and if you are still having symptoms like the beginning...let your doctor know, so they can check your thyroid levels.
    Hope that is of some help.
  • Caletara
    Caletara Posts: 27 Member
    I was just diagnosed with Hashimoto's 2 days ago. My endo wants me to continue to stop eating gluten/wheat--and since I've been doing that I've actually lost 7 lbs. I couldn't lose weight for the life of me when I was eating wheat. I tried so hard. She doesn't have me on any hormones yet, we're still testing. In addition to tracking using MFP i've tied in my Up24, to give me an idea of how active I am, and try to do better. Hang in there.

    I gained 30 lbs over the last 5 years and i couldn't figure out why, until now. I would double check that you don't have any food allergies or any other autoimmune conditions that are hindering your weight loss, as they can go hand in hand.

    Hang in there.
  • Michellelynn219
    Michellelynn219 Posts: 62 Member
    edited April 2015
    I have Hashimotos, dx in 2005 3 months after my first baby was born. My Edo just tested my Vitamin D levels after all these years, and I am deficient. I am taking 4K IU of D3 everyday. Have any of you had your Vitamin D tested? You should, it helps with stamina, weight loss, diabetes, depression and insomnia just to name a few. I wish he would have tested me in the beginning. A good book to read is, Stop The Thyroid Madness. Look up Mary Shomon she is a great source of information too. Do your research and learn as much as possible because your doctor is not going to tell you much. Good Luck :)
  • kshay89
    kshay89 Posts: 15 Member

    I was diagnosed with hashimoto's 2 years ago. I was diagnosed in the midst of my 50 lb weight loss. Feeling frustrated by the diagnosis, I gave up on trying to lose weight and gained 70 lbs. I just assumed being overweight was unavoidable.

    It's been a long 2 years, but I'm finally getting back on track. I've lost 9 lbs in the last 2 months. After loads of research, I decided to go gluten free 4 weeks ago. I'm not sure if that's helpful in the weight loss or not. The thing I'm really trying to convince myself of is that it's not about weight, it's about health. Even if I don't lose all of the weight, if I'm eating healthy and taking care of myself, that's what counts.

    Hypothyroidism typically doesn't cause a 70lb weight gain, so I can't blame it all on that.

    Anyways, anyone can feel free to add me if they want. We got this!