
i recently had to come to the conclusion that running is too hard on my body at this size. I need something with major calorie burn. I am thinking about starting Bikram yoga for a month to get the weight loss started.

Anyone else have success with Bikram?


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    Bikram doesn't have that large of a calorie burn, although, like anything, I'm sure some have had success with it.
  • teenyk1978
    teenyk1978 Posts: 3 Member
    I haven't tried Bikram, but have you looked into Piyo? AMAZING results!!!
  • cat_lady77
    cat_lady77 Posts: 203 Member
    I haven't tried Bikram, but I'd like to! However, I will say something about running. I try to, but it's often really hard on my joints. I remember reading somewhere that walking & running burn about the same amount of calories per mile. I try to keep this in mind when I walk instead of run. This article says you do continue to burn more after running, but that's not an exact number. Just a thought :)