Absolute noob

Hi folks

Starting the battle against bulge tomorrow...Going to be using this app as my Bible. So I've set my goals in and I've to eat 1900 calories a day. I've set my macros to 50% protein, 30 carbs and 20 fats, does this sound decent? I'm going to be working out with the insanity max programme so expect a decent burn. If anyone has any tips or constructive criticism then feel free. Thanks!


  • as9823
    as9823 Posts: 24 Member
    Open your diary and add as many supportive positive friends as you can. Very encouraging ready status updates and diaries of positive encouraging people every day.
  • brydson86
    brydson86 Posts: 6 Member
    as9823 wrote: »
    Open your diary and add as many supportive positive friends as you can. Very encouraging ready status updates and diaries of positive encouraging people every day.

    Thanks I'll do that then!

  • jamie_reynolds
    jamie_reynolds Posts: 67 Member
    knowing your starting height/weight/gender would be helpful in determining if your daily calorie goal is within the appropriate range. if it is, and you use this app correctly, then it will work! give it a week or 2 before you see results, but then it gets easier. using this app is almost addictive. i love planning my meals and exercise in advance and the sense of accomplishment i feel when i stick to my goals. best of luck to you!
  • kampshoff
    kampshoff Posts: 133 Member
    edited April 2015
    Random thoughts for what works for me. I've lost around 50 lbs. and am now trying to put on muscle (with limited success so far, but that's a whole other topic...)

    Plan your meals ahead, if you can. Knowing what you're going to have for dinner before deciding what to snack on after lunch, for example, can be very valuable.

    Do the best that you can when estimating exercise calorie burn, and understand it's not going to be perfect. I don't know what the Insanity workout entails, but you should be able to find an exercise entry that matches well enough. MFP will add calories to your "budget" that you can then eat -- usually called "eating your exercise calories" on here. Not everyone eats all or even some of their exercise calories.

    Decide how often to weigh yourself, and do so consistently. I do every day, in the morning, after workout but before breakfast. You don't have to every day; I do so because I like having data for every day that shows me trends. Your weight will fluctuate from day to day, so if you will get frustrated by the number going up instead of down, perhaps weigh yourself every few days, or even weekly.

    Above all, don't get frustrated if you don't see results right away, or if your progress seems to stall. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Just do your best to ensure CI<CO (calories in is less than calories out) and you will succeed over time.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Just like the Bible you will find information on here that contradicts. What is right for some else may not be right for you. Also some calorie counts are off so use judgement and USDA database when in doubt.
    That said 20% fat would be a bit low for me. If you find you are constantly hungry you may want to up your fat and lower carbohydrates a bit. Welcome :)