want to lose 30lbs by Aug.

Hi anyone have any ideas of how I can motivate myself to exercise????


  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    Try different things, find something you like doing.
  • ascuron93
    ascuron93 Posts: 1 Member
    I started crossfire and love it!! give it a try
  • Sandretto54
    Sandretto54 Posts: 7 Member
    What is crossfire???
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    By the end of August or start?

    Motivate yourself by deciding its importnat enough for you to do that you are willing to just do it?
    Have a clear plan of what to do and just treat it one day at a time.
    Results and weight loss might encourage you.
    Do some form that you will enjoy.

    Losing weight starts with moderating how much you eat.
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    30 pounds in 3 months sets you to aim for just over 2 pound loss per week. That's a daily deficit of 1000 calories. It might not be sustainable depending on your stats. (Age/height/weight/TDEE) Is there a reason you need to drop so quickly? You'd be better off dropping your expectations to 1lb per week loss. Just my 2cents.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    go to a gym with a lot of hot guys, unless you swing the other way then a lot of hot chicks. Guarantee that will motivate you ;)
  • itsthehumidity
    itsthehumidity Posts: 351 Member
    30 pounds in 3 months sets you to aim for just over 2 pound loss per week. That's a daily deficit of 1000 calories. It might not be sustainable depending on your stats. (Age/height/weight/TDEE) Is there a reason you need to drop so quickly? You'd be better off dropping your expectations to 1lb per week loss. Just my 2cents.

    Yep. You need a daily deficit of 1000 calories per day. To do that, you need to know how much you burn each day (Total Daily Energy Expenditure, or TDEE), subtract 1000 from that number, and not eat more than that. To ensure that's what you're doing, you have to weigh, measure, and track your food. That food is better if it's healthy, whole, and prepared by you.

    To do all that you need a lot of discipline. More than most people have. Good luck!
  • yfbrklyn
    yfbrklyn Posts: 18 Member

    I need to also, I hope we can both reach our goals
  • Sandretto54
    Sandretto54 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you add me and we can be accountable partners
  • krkuehn82
    krkuehn82 Posts: 1 Member
    Personally, I wouldn't set this goal. It is totally possible to lose 30 lbs by August but the chances of gaining it back even faster are huge. I would recommend getting a fit bit, I have the Charge HR, or other activity tracker. The tracker has motivated me to get moving, which after getting bored with walking the neighborhood, lead me back to the gym. I have since gone from the elliptical to classes and now I am dabbling in weight training. I've also modified my eating, healthier foods and smaller portions. I log everything on myfitness pal and am following 500 calorie deficit which my fitbit and myfitness pal help me track. I never realized how many calories I was taking in on a daily basis until I started logging. You even have to be cautious of some salads...crazy! Remember, I diet will get you where you want to be now but a lifestyle change, while requires some patience, will keep you there. Good luck!
  • Sandretto54
    Sandretto54 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks a lot for the advice, taking it to heart