I *hate* water...

jmruef Posts: 824 Member
I mean - seriously. I never drink it as a first choice, second choice, etc. Lately I've been on a Diet Mountain Dew kick (and yes, I am fully aware that it's not good for me. Caffeine, chemicals, etc..) and the thought of drinking any water, let alone 8 glasses a day - *shudder.*

But hey - I'm willing to try it. I've lost 14 pounds to date and have more to lose, and while I know that water doesn't have any kind of Magic Weight Loss Ingredient per se, I've read enough posts here to at least give it a shot. Y'all are a pretty convincing bunch. :drinker:

So - here goes. Will have to start tonight when I get home, because the only water I can tolerate is from the filtered tap on my fridge. (I know, how lame am I?)

Oh - does tea count? I do like peppermint tea from Celestial Seasonings...


  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Try MiO water enhancer - you can trick your mind into thinking its juice. My hubby guzzles it now! Some teas have caffeine so not sure how much you can count that towards your water count.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    I hope tea counts. For me I find it easier to drink watery tea than to drink plain water. So what I do is make a 6 oz cup of tea & I add two Splendas. Then I dump it into a 20 oz glass filled with ice and top off any remaining room with water. I figure it is like drinking 1 cup of tea and 2 cups of water.
    And by watering it down, I'm not overloading on caffeine.
  • missle30
    missle30 Posts: 40 Member
    Tea is actually supposed to help boost your metabolism!
  • lisapickering
    lisapickering Posts: 374
    Try adding lemon, orange, lime... whatever you like!
  • jennlee80
    jennlee80 Posts: 142
    I only count water for water! GOOD LUCK!
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    Best of luck! 8 glasses sounds like a lot, but it will go down quickly. I never used to drink much of anything and it is nothing for me to get well over 8 now.....and I will only drink it from my Brita pitcher. Cold and filtered...no other way to go :)

    I can't even add ice cause it ruins it. Now, that is bad :wink:
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Water in. Calories out. :)

    I wasn't a water drinker either. But I started slowly by mixing the Crystal Light To-Go packets in to a 16oz bottle of water. Only 5 calories (sometimes 0 depending on the flavor). After a while, I started drink half of my daily water requirement without the Crystal Light. Now I don't add it at all and have been averaging 3 bottles of water each day. This is down from the 6 bottles I was drinking and I really need to get back to that.

    Side note: I also drink the water at room temperature. I never grab a bottle from the fridge. For some reason, it's easier to go down that way for me.
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    I'm telling everyone I can about this! I purchased from Sam's Club a drink called "Talking Rain Sparkling Ice"...Naturally Flavored Sparkling Spring Water. Its sold by case of 24 17 oz. bottles, with 3 different flavors: Lemon Lime, Black Raspberry, & Orange Mango. They have zero calories, zero sugar, however, what it does contain are vitamins & antioxidents! Taste wonderful, great way to up your water intake!!
  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    ive heard that oolong tea is good and dark chai teas,but Id limit it to a small amount every once in a while.My other half hates water so I have her drinkng diet gatorrade and mini bottles of water for kids until she gets used to it,but they make all kinds of crystal lite single and koolaid ones for bottled water you could even have water with a tiny bit of juice in it.Try and eat foods with lots of water like watermelon cucumbers,tomatos etc:) Good Luck!
  • mammado11
    mammado11 Posts: 26
    Have you tried vitamin water, tastes like powerade/gatorade to me!
  • onlyJoanna
    onlyJoanna Posts: 20
    Our tap water has sediment in it so I always add squash - it's 2 or 3 calories a time, but I can trick my brain into the thinking the water is a little more normal. So flavouring is the way forward.

    Also, put ice in the water. It doesn't make it taste much better necessarily, but it does burn a few calories, which might provide some motivation...
  • bexfield
    bexfield Posts: 21
    I used to hate water, now I feel better about it. I gave up soda and switched to juices for a while to wean off the sugar, added more Gatorade and water with lemon. Now I almost exclusively drink plain water, tea, almond milk, or coffee. My advice is to buy a water bottle. I find that I always tend to hydrate more regularly when I'm drinking from the bottle than from a glass. After the sugar (sweetener) addiction passes you'll notice you feel better drinking water than anything else and then even though the taste isn't as good you'll crave it.
  • AllyV0621
    AllyV0621 Posts: 81
    try crystal light! its something like 5 calories a serving and there are a ton of tasty flavors
  • richiefixo
    richiefixo Posts: 104 Member
    water doesnt have to be pure H2O...water is in vegetables, in your teas (no coffee cos thats dehydrates you) etc....try mixing in some crystal light 1 packet serves 1 litre and is only 10 calories. its really sweet and you would drink more water using it. but if you work out hard like you should be doing ....a natural thirst for pure water will be acquired and you will eventually grow to like it.
    PS: diet anything is not a sustainable way to loose weight because your body isnt actually changing for the better so when you do relax on your diet and try to maintain your weight....guess what? you will gain ALL the weight back cos you havent trained you body to be efficient in its ways. Plus carbonated drinks will make you bloated and retain water always and eventually eat more when you arent drinking them....not good or healthy at all

    remember......only 5% of people who loose weight keep it off.

    good luck with all :)
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    I am soo there with you. This week I decided in preparation for a surgery next week, that I would swap my Diet coke for water. I can drink 88 ounces of Diet coke easily in a day, but getting down 64 oz of water (even flavored water) is a HUGE chore. So I am on day 4. The first 2 days I was sooo nasty to everyone (lol). I had a huge headache. My MFP pals were very supportive. Its day 4 and I am feeling better. I have yet had a soda. I sing in clubs, and so Its usually alcohol or soda as a bevarage, so tonight, I will have 1 glass of wine and a huge water instead of diet coke just to stay on track.

    Good luck, it ain't easy but I think I'm doing OK.
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I highly recommend MiO. Ever since I started adding it to my water, I don't drink soda anymore. I will also add that since I stopped drinking soda (the diet kind), my weight loss has stepped it a up bit. MiO comes in a variety of flavors so you don't get bored with what you're drinking.

    And MiO doesn't add any calories like Crystal Light! I used to be a hardcore Crystal Light drinker until I found MiO.
  • sparadise
    sparadise Posts: 26 Member
    So, I LOVE water. It is my first choice. I quit buying soda years ago because it is so easy to go to when your thirsty and its cold in the fridge. So first, stop buying it ;)

    I need to practice what I preach but heres what helps me. I have a big cooler jug, I think I got it at walmart that has a lid and a straw. Try filling it up with ice and then water. I will drink a lot more water when it is ICE COLD. Yum.

    When I don't have that, I take my plastic water bottle and put it in the freezer for about a half hour or an hour so the edges freeze. Then I crush the bottle so there is ice floating and again, I actually drink more that way. This is the easy way when your at work all day.

    Maybe I am crazy LOL but I love ice water and find that I consume more when it is good and cold.

    Hope this helps!
  • kbeatty1015
    kbeatty1015 Posts: 56 Member
    I am addicted to the Crystal Light packets (althought I use the off brand ones). That is the only way that I can get my daily water intake because I can't stand just plain water. I'm also addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper. I know that it's not good for me, but it's one of the only vices that I have left that doesn't cause me to gain weight. That will be the last thing to go for me.
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    try adding a slice of cucumber to your water. It makes it taste more clean.

    You could also try making fruit water. It's not sweet, but it makes your water taste good. Cut up some strawberries, and other fruit and add it to your pitcher of water. Makes the water taste so fresh...
    http://www.theblogmocracy.com/wp-content/uploads/raw_fruit_water_elixir_900x697.jpg <Picture of fruit water
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I honestly didn't like water either. I thought it was so gross. But I bought a liter bottle and fill it up every morning. I chug this down faster than I do the 16 oz bottles, not sure why. SO one of those is 4 cups right there. It goes fast, and you will love how much better you feel when you are hydrated! That MiO stuff is nice, kind of spendy so I don't use it for the majority of my water, but maybe in the middle of the day, when you can't stand to drink another plain water. :) Good luck!