Girls who lift!

Need more friends and motivation on here from some awesome ladies who lift! Men are okay too, but it's great to connect with people that are on the same page as you. 14 weeks out from my next comp, come be fit with me!!


  • qcamille27
    qcamille27 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I just started weight lifting a few days ago. I wanna look like my profile pic which is not me by the way and I know it's gonna take me forever to look like that so as long as I have toned muscles, I'm happy. I need motivation from ladies who lift too :) .
  • CatHunterFit
    CatHunterFit Posts: 194 Member
    I'm not new to weight training, but I am new to lifting heavy. I've just started 5x5 Stronglifts, and I love it! Got a long way to go though.
  • FitForce8
    FitForce8 Posts: 11 Member
    I lift 6 days a week and try to cardio along with that since I'm trying to lean out!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited April 2015
    qcamille27 wrote: »
    Hi, I just started weight lifting a few days ago. I wanna look like my profile pic which is not me by the way and I know it's gonna take me forever to look like that so as long as I have toned muscles, I'm happy. I need motivation from ladies who lift too :) .

    I don't want to burst your bubble, but looking like that isn't healthy or sustainable long term - she has low BF to have that definition. Having "toned" muscles just means losing bf so that the muscles are visible.... Which is counter productive when you're trying to grow!

    Oh.. And I lift :D I compete in figure comps - about to start prep for my next one!
  • Hellen04
    Hellen04 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey! I'm semi new to the lifting industry. I do free weights at home with my sister. We have a lot of ghetto equipment to make up for the lack of gym. Our "bench" is just two dining chairs put together lol. Looking to actually buy one online though. Anyways when there's a will there's a way! Feel free to add as I live getting challenged!
  • FitForce8
    FitForce8 Posts: 11 Member
    Haha that's awesome! The more the merrier! And there's nothing wrong with having some inspiration to look forward to:) as long as you're healthy and have dedication, you can do anything.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I lift every other day. the "off" days are the days your body actually builds the muscle. If I'm feeling fidgety I will go for a brisk walk on the off days, because that's cardio but it still lets your muscles recover and build.
  • qcamille27
    qcamille27 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't want to burst your bubble, but looking like that isn't healthy or sustainable long term - she has low BF to have that definition. Having "toned" muscles just means losing bf so that the muscles are visible.... Which is counter productive when you're trying to grow!

    Oh.. And I lift :D I compete in figure comps - about to start prep for my next one! [/quote]

    Thanks for the feedback livingleanlivingclean. My last recorded body fat was 18%, a year ago. I gained 8lbs since I stopped working out. ;) I'm back with toning right now, not sure if im doing it right though. I'm doin upper body and lower body split, 1 workout for each muscle group and T25 as my cardio. Been with just T25-alpha phase for a month. Now, doin T25-beta phase and strength training.

  • tam2249
    tam2249 Posts: 20 Member
    Would love to add use all as friends. Just starting out as well. :)
  • SmellyHippy
    SmellyHippy Posts: 47 Member
    Please add me as well. I've been doing this for a little ove a year. I lift 4 times a week and just recently decided to add in some cardio. I'm nowhere near as stong as I'd like to be but I'm in love with the process.
    NORAONFLEEK123 Posts: 1 Member
    hey, I've been lifting every morning 5 days a week and I'm LOVING it, lol... it's been a lot of work though, but I know in the end it's gonna be all worth it!!!
  • FitForce8
    FitForce8 Posts: 11 Member
    Awesome!! And props to you for 18% bf. Lol one day
  • FitForce8
    FitForce8 Posts: 11 Member
    Ahh it's so worth it!!! I have 14 weeks to shred shred shred and I hope to change my body for the better. I'm so impatient but I know if I work hard results will come