5'2" 132lbs 24.5% bf

kosmosEP Posts: 73 Member
edited April 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
I've started getting up in the mornings for over a month now doing 30 minute walks and other strength training routines, nothing special just squats, planks, burpees etc. I've gained more weight doing this new routine, I've not been eating bad not perfect either but not so bad to gain so much. My clothes still fit from when I was 123lbs as well. Is this normal?


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yes it is normal.
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    The begining of a new workout program is seen by the body as a survival situation. So your body will release cortisol. In simple terms, your body releases cortisol, which, in turn, causes excess water retention to help you rebuild broken down muscle tissue. While this is cortisol functioning properly, it does lead to a period of water weight gain as you adjust to a new program. It’s nothing to worry about. By following a solid plan, your body will adapt by repairing this muscle tissue. This results in an increase in your metabolism and leads to weight loss if that’s your goal. The trick is that there is no hard line on how long this adaptation takes. It’s based on your individual parameters.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    For me, it takes a while to even out when starting a new routine. I retain a lot of water . so as long as your weighing your foods and logging accurately, then you have nothing to worry about
  • kappasutra
    kappasutra Posts: 12 Member
    The results should be muscle development and water weight. I had the same thing happen to me however try a thermogenectic supplement to aide in the cutting process.
  • kosmosEP
    kosmosEP Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks everyone!