Bad 2 days does not mean giving up

Whenever I screw up and binge, I usually hide from the fact and stop posting/keeping track of calories/shying away from the internet support in general. Well I'm really trying to break free of binging. I had gone 5 days binge free before I overate yesterday and then my mind frame went to the usual "oh this day is ruined... just give in to a binge". And I did. Ate at least 1000 calories of chocolate plus 3 beers. This morning I woke up and felt crappy. So what did I do? Binge on more chocolate, chips, and McDonald's.

I feel bloated and gross. I don't want to stop posting and I plan on entering in my calories even though it will reflect 3000+ cals of junk food.

That is my confession. I will continue to post here as I am not less deserving. Tomorrow I will still indulge at a family Christmas party, and that's okay even if I did just have a rough two days.

How everyone else is well.


  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Whenever I screw up and binge, I usually hide from the fact and stop posting/keeping track of calories/shying away from the internet support in general. Well I'm really trying to break free of binging. I had gone 5 days binge free before I overate yesterday and then my mind frame went to the usual "oh this day is ruined... just give in to a binge". And I did. Ate at least 1000 calories of chocolate plus 3 beers. This morning I woke up and felt crappy. So what did I do? Binge on more chocolate, chips, and McDonald's.

    I feel bloated and gross. I don't want to stop posting and I plan on entering in my calories even though it will reflect 3000+ cals of junk food.

    That is my confession. I will continue to post here as I am not less deserving. Tomorrow I will still indulge at a family Christmas party, and that's okay even if I did just have a rough two days.

    How everyone else is well.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Oh! McDonalds got me too!
    Totally understanding....
    I agree, it happened you accepted it...time to move forward.
  • jasonbroccoli
    I agree, as well. I ate a lot last night, but, it's not the end of the world. It is part of my world with Weight Watchers, actually. I can do that once in a while. :) The important thing is just not to do it all the time.
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    We had Bojangles today and I didn't eat but half of my meal (for a change) but we also had a Christmas dinner and I went about 1000 calories over my daily allowance. So I haven't done very well either. I'm still trying to figure out how to get my calories right!!!! And I also did an exercise DVD this evening.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I heard a theory on a podcast the other day, it goes like this:

    If you had a flat tire on your car, you would fix it right?

    You wouldn't say what the hell I might as well slash the other 3.

    That was a really great metaphor for me. :wink: And since we are confessing, I have been in the same boat with you all week, but have logged my food no matter how very painful it was.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I too just logged a bad day! I wasn't going to but I think it's better to be accountable rather than getting into bad habits of pretending that it never happened! It does happen & it will but the important thing is to accept responsibility & learn from it! After all, tomorrow is another day!! - Scarlett O'Hara
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    That's right sani-- fiddle dee dee-- lol.

    I don't know how many Pringles I had, so it's tough to log them-- I was right at my calories for the day when I opened a can of Pringles for my 2yo at Walmart, and dug in right with him. Fatigue and Pringles-- perfect together.

    It's been a rough week all around-- holiday gatherings, et cetera-- I'm getting some exercise in, but I'll be glad when the holidays are over and I can get my "first of the year" focus and get going towards goal.

    Have a great night all--
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    I heard a theory on a podcast the other day, it goes like this:

    If you had a flat tire on your car, you would fix it right?

    You wouldn't say what the hell I might as well slash the other 3.

    That was a really great metaphor for me. :wink: And since we are confessing, I have been in the same boat with you all week, but have logged my food no matter how very painful it was.

    That is a great analogy!! I plan to keep that one in mind. I too find it hard not to "skim some off the top" when I'm entering my food on a bad day to make it look not as bad as it was. But, those days are just reminders to me that I need to be more conscious in the days that follow. :happy:

    I have actually found by using the food journal on this site that in my mind I was over exaggerating my bad days. In my mind, that food from McDonald's must have added 10 pounds instantly...but, then I log it and at my next weigh-in I may have still lost a pound. By logging the food it has shown me that my "bad" days were not nearly as bad as I was making myself feel about them.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I heard a theory on a podcast the other day, it goes like this:

    If you had a flat tire on your car, you would fix it right?

    You wouldn't say what the hell I might as well slash the other 3.

    That was a really great metaphor for me. :wink: And since we are confessing, I have been in the same boat with you all week, but have logged my food no matter how very painful it was.

  • melissa91971
    LOVE the flat tire analogy. I have learnd over the years to not give up after a binge and say "well this day is blown might as well eat what i want untill tomarrow."

    I learned that only leads to a FULL day of over bingeing and then total regret. Both hard to recover from. So now my thoughts are "ok, so i binged, time to start repairing the damage now. exercise and try to eat right the rest of the day!"

    Don't wait untill tomarrow start over now!


    p.s. I have a hard time admiting my calories when I had a binge day. Just thought I would admit that much to all of you.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I heard a theory on a podcast the other day, it goes like this:

    If you had a flat tire on your car, you would fix it right?

    You wouldn't say what the hell I might as well slash the other 3.

    That was a really great metaphor for me. :wink: And since we are confessing, I have been in the same boat with you all week, but have logged my food no matter how very painful it was.

    YES! And you would fix it NOW not wait until Monday morning!!