Need My Motivation Back!

From roughly October last year I've lost 14kg (roughly 30lbs) until now.
I have lost motivation the past month or so and put 2lbs on so I'm pretty annoyed with myself.

I'm back on track today counting calories and ive recently started going out walking (only 30 mins at the moment)

Just need the motivation again!

Do people have bad times like this?


  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    There are going to be times when you get lost. Sometimes a meal, a day or a significant amount of time. I have recently come back to MFP, been gone about a year. I am looking forward to losing again the lbs I regained from my prior times on here. To me this is the best place to find positive motivation. I don't eat a lot of healthy foods, not much of a fruit eater, but I can always read some of the posts and get motivated by how well everyone else is doing. I am trying to incorporate more vegetables, and lower fat and sodium foods.

    That said, don't be discouraged. Pick yourself up and get back on track. You can do it. You have already proven that by losing the first 30 lbs. Now you are walking and watching your intake of foods. That's how you do it. Take it one day at a time.
  • TheBrunernator
    TheBrunernator Posts: 3 Member
    I go through seasons of motivation as well...and it seems the longer I let myself "cheat" or "take a break," the harder it is to get back into it. We were traveling last week so it was incredibly difficult to keep track of my calories, so I "gave myself a break" but since we've been back home it's been hard to get back on track. But, I bought some new jeans that are just a little too small, so they're motivating me to get back on track! All I need to lose is maybe 10 lbs (maybe even less) and they'll fit great, so that's motivating me right now! If you've been walking, try the Leslie Sansone videos (I watch them on YouTube). It's a great at home work out without being so challenging that it becomes discouraging. She's a great encourager and the videos are at a level that anyone can do!
  • jcatz3
    jcatz3 Posts: 10 Member
    I know its completely my own fault for going off track.
    But I'm starting to feel tired and sluggish again like before so I know I need to get myself back into gear again.

    I Will have a look at those exercise videos thanks!

  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I've been motivated for two years now with only one break in the action and that was due to losing my mother to a long illness last November. I took time away from everything from November to the end of December (except for dance). My motivation was totally gone. When I decided to "get it back" I got it back 3-fold! It happens for different reasons. Keep pushing yourself and remember... when you don't feel like doing it the most is when you should make yourself do it, that's when breakthroughs happen :)
  • jcatz3
    jcatz3 Posts: 10 Member
    I am back to planning my meals the night before which is helping, I usually say I start on a Monday but this week I got back into it yesterday. Hopefully the weathers a bit nicer here again soon and not pouring with rain so I can get out and walk again. I know its a hard process, i think i can be too hard on myself!