Shoes with ankle injury?

i just got back into working out and gained some weight back after an ankle injury last October. I partially tore my tubular fibula ligament and severely bruised my ankle bone. I was on crutches until January. I am having trouble finding comfortable supportive shoes, I would like to start taking my dogs for walks again but I need to have good shoes for the sidewalk before doing that. Anyone who has experience with an ankle injury I would love some ideas on good shoes.


  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    welcome back. I had 3 leg surgeries 4 years ago, with 5 months on crutches. I feel your pain.
    surgeon recommended orthopedic shoes when I was able to use my two legs again, but they are ugly. I found comfortable shoes at Merrell.
    I hope it helps
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I don't have experience with tibiofibular sprains, but you might consider an ankle brace combined with zero-heel shoes like skateboard shoes. Most athletic shoes have a raised heel, which reduces stability and prevents your foot from rolling smoothly when walking.
  • MariMcKeon
    MariMcKeon Posts: 46 Member
    In June of 2013 I badly broke my ankle and fibula ......I get around these days with a cane. I can not yet wear any heel over 1/4" without pain. My physical therapist and I found and these provide great support. Anything that ties up has a bit of support..... I have 4 pair that wear mine for everything.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I worked with a sports med specialist after a knee injury and we ended up picking the Brooks running shoe. If you have a good physical therapist or sports med to work with this would really help.