brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
edited April 2015 in Success Stories
Hello there!

I'm loving that the weather is warming up, and with that said, at the end of the day I find myself leaving an office and not wanting to step foot inside a gym just to miss out on more fresh air. That being said, I've done crossfit (1.5years+) and while it made me strong, it didn't do much for me as far as weight loss. I am 5'1" and 205lbs... I'd like to lose 75-80#, or even better, just fit into a size 9 jean and a medium shirt again.

So I know I have the ability to work hard, I just would love to hear stories of women who have lost weight gym free and 'at home DVD' free... (I tend to plop down and fast forward through the parts I don't want to do.... yea... I know, lol).

I like to walk my dogs, I've just started riding my bicycle again, and I can jog/walk some too as needed (bad feet = intense pain when running).

Any advice, and again, sucess stories and photos of those who have had success just being active would be wonderful!!



  • GoalWeight165by2018
    GoalWeight165by2018 Posts: 48 Member
    My husband rides the stationary bike while watching TV. he's down 35 lbs in six months, and he tracks his food on mfp. That's it. that's the only exercise he does. It's do-able and GOOD LUCK!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    So what you're really asking is, you want success stories of people that just did cardio, right? Because I haven't been to a gym in at least 3 years, but I lost weight doing weightlifting. I did stronglifts 5x5 and then 5/3/1. You can see my bikini photos in my profile.

    Weight loss primarily comes from your diet. If you didn't lose weight while you were doing crossfit, your diet is mostly going to be to blame.
  • carduccic
    carduccic Posts: 8 Member
    I bought those little pedals (part of a stationary bike since we don't have space for an actual one) and do that 30-60 minutes a night, possibly more, while I watch a show. We generally go on really long walks with the dogs on weekends, with shorter ones during the week. Even though you don't like videos, I like Jillian's 30 Day Shred, and I also like the DDP Yoga videos, but those are a bit more of an investment. I am down 37 pounds since mid January. I was on a plateau until I got the pedals, and adding that in seemed to help. And I am just counting calories and drinking a lot of water, at least half my body weight in ounces. One idea would be if you watched Jillian's videos (or whatever) a few times, learn the moves, and then you can do the moves you like outside.
  • carolynmo1969
    carolynmo1969 Posts: 120 Member
    edited April 2015
    Walk those dogs! I am experiencing great success at the gym, however, I took a week off work in March and the weather was unseasonably warm and dry, I got up every morning and walked my dogs for over an hour 7 days straight. The canines were delighted and I noticed an overall change in the shape of my legs at the end of the week that I wasn't seeing from my gym workouts. I kept my shoulders back, my stomach muscles tight, swung my arms. I am blessed to have a huge off-leash park with a soft surface walking trail all around its 26 acres, so I could adjust my pace and the dogs could run, trot, walk, chase birds, and my pace wasn't determined by them.

    I have a FitBit and set a goal for myself of 10,000 steps a day. It's much easier to attain OUTSIDE of the gym and the benefits of fresh air, variety, being around people - well, do I need to say more?
  • TasnimEz
    TasnimEz Posts: 280 Member
    Losing weight (14 kgs so far) with the help of less calories (and more healthy food) and following mainly pilates videos, and the occasional bodyweight strength training video.. All from Youtube. I wish I could go to a gym but I don't have one in my area so at home exercise will have to do.. I'm very happy with my progress. :)
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    I started walking inside to a DVD then after I lost some weight decided to take it outside. I walk 4 to 5 miles a minimum of 5 nights a week. I some times jog a little of that. Success? Hell, yes! 90 pounds gone (and I'm 60 yrs old). 5 pounds to goal. I also do resistance band training about 3 times a week about 1/2 hour each session. I have done a few 5Ks which are a blast.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I lost 75 pounds without a gym membership. I have one now, but it's a recent thing.

    I did lots and lots of walking, yoga and weight lifting with dumbbells.
  • CandyMonster160
    CandyMonster160 Posts: 153 Member
    I've lost 25 pounds using bodyweight exercises and walking at home. I've trained with a PT a few years ago and taken my workouts from that as well as some online guidance. I do an hour of walking a day and 3-4 times a week I do a bodyweight workout that I create myself - always about an hour and burns anywhere from 300-600 calories.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Most of my exercise is outdoors except in Winter. Then I workout at home. I don't just do cardio. When inside I lift weights, use resistance bands and kettlebell, do DVDs and treadmill. I also split a lot of firewood throughout the Winter.

    But when I can get outside I do a lot of yard/farm work (chop/split firewood, garden (we have 2 large gardens), plant trees, trim trees, mow, weed eat, etc.), hike, bike, shoot hoops.

    BUT, I was doing all of that when I became overweight. My BF% never got out of the healthy range, but my weight did. Dieting is still needed to lose weight.
  • mambino92
    mambino92 Posts: 3 Member
    I have lost 1stone 6lbs without doing any structured excercise. I have tried to walk a bit more instead of driving etc but apart from that it's all been down to diet. I do plan to start doing some excercise soon though as I feel now I have lost some weight I should try and improve my fitness.
  • mamabear1114
    mamabear1114 Posts: 140 Member
    edited April 2015
    You could be a mall walker! Lol shopping AND exercise, what could be better? Also, if you have pain in your feet, bicycling and walking is wonderful! I love walking outside because I love the fresh air and sunshine! Also, since Summer is coming up, swimming is a wonderful aerobic exercise, and very easy on your joints. :)
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    I bought a used treadmill and we have freeweights at home, too. So I haven't been inside a gym in many years. However, I didn't lose a single lb until I committed to a better diet. Then I lost 20 lbs. I still use my home machines and try to stay active throughout the day, but the more I pay attention to what I eat, the most I lose.
  • MrsMizart
    MrsMizart Posts: 1,275 Member
    edited April 2015
    Haven't been able to use the gym due to various injuries. Now I walk as much as possible, aim for at least 15k steps a day, and my diet is so much healthier and better portion sizes.

    The weight is going very slowly, but at my age I'm fine with that as I'm going it will give my skin chance to adjust. A girl can hope :-)
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    I've lost 22 lbs since September with just YouTube workouts, playing basketball, and riding my bike. I'm 5'0" and got to 148.7 lbs and am down to 127.
  • LongTallSally76
    LongTallSally76 Posts: 19 Member
    I've lost nearly 20kgs since January without setting foot in a gym. I walk my dogs every morning but I always have done and it didn't make a difference.
    So I stopped taking the bus home from work and getting off at a stop just a couple of hundred metres away from my house. Now I take the train instead. The closest train station is about 6 or 7km away from my house. I change into my gym gear before I leave work, take the train then run/power walk home from the station. And I still make it home a few minutes before I would have done if I had been lazy and taken the bus! It's winter now so I have to wear a headlamp (bought one after I tripped and face planted - oops).
    I've also increased how often I go out cycling on weekends. I used to avoid cycling because I felt guilty that I wasn't able to spend more time with my dogs (I know, I know, but I am a real animal lover). So I bought a bike trailer for the dogs to ride in. My husband and I take the dogs with us and go cycling around a bay area near an off leash dog café/park. We stop at the park on the way and let the dogs have a run and a play then bundle them back up in the trailer to cycle back to the car!
    I realise that I must sound insane but it works.
  • fitnesscosplayer
    fitnesscosplayer Posts: 30 Member
    I have lost 52 pounds since July 2014. I have done little bits of excersize but not very much I get in my weeks where I want to work out then Im like nah to lazy. I mostly just focused on the diet eating a bit less an making better choices :). At home weight loss an work outs are something that can happen you just have to have the mind set and strength to do it.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    What's more. . . I have NEVER been in a gym. I've been at my goal weight for 2.5 years. I walk tons, jump on a rebounder at home, use a treadmill during the heat of the summer. I ride my bike in the Phoenix canals in the winter. I clean my own house, which burns lots of calories and builds strength. I have a very happy dog who loves all the walking we do together. I have made it to 60 with no health issues. So, yes, I guess that adds up to a success story.
  • ZBuffBod
    ZBuffBod Posts: 297 Member
    Very doable. I've lost nearly 40 lbs since July 2014 just walking/jogging, mostly walking and tracking my caloric intake. I am 6 lbs from my goal weight of 155 lbs. (The only reason I haven't made my goal yet is because I slacked off terribly at Thanksgiving/Christmas) :)
  • lgfaciane
    lgfaciane Posts: 97 Member
    I lost 39 lbs by walking everyday
  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    Crossfit hasn't done much for you because you haven't followed a proper diet lol. Most people who are in crossfit tend to have that "I worked hard, I deserve this!" mindset which is something only you can solve. You can work out hard and all that but if your diet is insanely *kitten*, you will not lose weight. You practically did 1.5 years of crossfit without having considered a better diet? If you really have committed to it that long, that's pretty good but now you need to commit to a better diet. I don't think success stories will help you, you just need to fix your eating habits. You can lose weight without the gym and just going outside for a run and whatnot WITH a good diet. I recommend Chris Powell's carb cycling diet, works well and you aren't deprived of foods you love but that's if your honest with yourself.
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