I literally don't know where to start. need help

I've recent decided that I'm very unhappy in my appearance. I'm 20 hrs old, 5' 6" and have a smallish frame but weigh 11 stone but wish to reduce that to around 10 stone. I'm not atall toned and have never really exercised other than walking to and from work which isn't far atall. I can do all the healthy eating stuff myself but exercise wise I literally don't know where to even start all I know is that I'm extremely unfit. Can someone please help me


  • PeachyPlum
    PeachyPlum Posts: 1,243 Member

    A great place to start is in the "Getting Started" forum - there's a thread called "A guide to getting started on your path to sexypants." I highly recommend checking that out, and if you have specific questions then feel free to post them here!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Start at the beginning. Walking and light weights is a great start. Increase weight as you can. Walking is great cardio so if you never increase that it's no big deal. Increase speed, incline, speed as you want. Switch to a walk/run, then a run, if you want. Or add dancing, swimming, biking, hiking, or whatever activity you enjoy. Do something you like enough to continue.

    But the strength training will help you tone up. If you don't like weights you could do bodyweight or resistance bands.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    You can help you! I'm in about the same boat myself, and the advice that is always given to me from my Doctors was to walk. Just get out there and walk. Have MFP calculate what you should be eating (don't guess), and buy a scale to weigh your food it's more accurate than measuring. Make changes to what you eat that are sustainable, meaning that you can make the changes forever. And start reading, just take a few days to read. There's a lot of information on MFP and on the internet, some of it's fact, some not so much.
  • Looncove_Farm
    Looncove_Farm Posts: 115 Member
    Its easy to get started. Use some basic excercises that you do not need to spend money on and see how you do.

    Walk, keep doing that, just increase it a little and walk a bit faster until you get use to it.
    Your body can be a great little gym.
    Warm up a little running in place and then;
    Calf raises
    Squats, sit on a chair and get up several times until you gain some balance and strength
    Modified push ups (on your knees)
    Abdominal crunches
    On your side and side leg lifts.
    Leg lifts, on your back and lift legs off the floor.
    STRETCH, it feels good and helps with posture and balance.
    These are a few simple moves that will help you get started, they are easy on your body as well and you choose your intensity. Once you gain some strength you can move on to bigger and better things.

    Keep using MFP to track your nutrition and your excercise.

    Good luck,
  • tacastan
    tacastan Posts: 55 Member
    If you belong to a gym. Start small bike ride for 10 minutes at lowest setting and increase the resistance when you feel comfortable. You can add me to your friends and we can see how our progess comes. I just started about 3 months ago.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    I'm 20 hrs old

    You're quite advanced for your age!

    Ha! I second the getting started forum

  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    edited April 2015
    I started by walking figure 8's in my living room, then my driveway and now 2.5 months later I am walking 3 to 6 miles a day @ 4mph. I started lifting a month ago 4x/wk @ 1.5 hours each session (I log as 1 hour), but I never thought I would even do that and now I am addicted. I never thought I would graduate to doing what I am doing now and in only a couple of months. Doing anything is a start. Maybe start by pacing the living room to your favorite song, then add more time to it and speed up till you get the motivation to get out and do it, or around the block a couple of times. It all adds up and can become addicting. I wish you luck, just start and you will get there :smiley:
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    I also do step aerobics throughout the day watching a show. It's just the getting started part that seems tough, but once I did, I got hooked :smile:
  • Katleskin
    Katleskin Posts: 111 Member
    The trick is finding something you like that you can see yourself doing semi/fairly regularly without wanting to jump off a cliff. Can you ride a bike? Can you swim? Do you like team sports? Pick something and give it a go - the sole purpose of exercise doesn't have to be simply weight loss/fitness, it can be fun and relaxing too (honest!).

    Swimming was what got me on the road to getting fit and the fitter I got, the more stuff I wanted and felt able to try. If you already walk, perhaps try to increase your distances/speeds (lots of phone apps available). I have a Fitbit which counts my steps and is a great motivator. Good luck!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Start by logging everyday and following your calorie goal.
  • kellxbelle09
    kellxbelle09 Posts: 17 Member
    I was in your shoes about a year and a half ago! I've reset my profile because I took a few months "off" of MFP and recently re-joined, but all in all I've lost a total of 18lbs and I am 5'2. If you aren't comfortable lifting random weights at the gym or don't know what to do (like I was), I recommend you buy some workout DVDs and stick to those a few days a week (start with 3). That way you are combining cardio with strength training and building a leaner, stronger body! Message me if you want specific suggestions! Good Luck :)