100 to lose

im feeling very disappointed in myself, I only lost a pound in two weeks, although I did hurt my knee when I fell so I'm limited to what exercises I can do for now. I know I can do this but would love some support to urge me on. Feel free to add me


  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    It took me a lifetime to get to 305 pounds, and 4 years to lose 100+. It's a marathon, if you do it right. The quick fads and gimmicks are not a sustainable way to eat. Be patient, use common sense, and keep pushing! If I can lose 100 pounds, anyone can.
  • low_carb_debbie
    low_carb_debbie Posts: 14 Member
    Happy to buddy up Louise. Feel free to add me.
  • MindainVA83
    MindainVA83 Posts: 17 Member
    You can do it!! It takes a time, discipline and a plan. Minor set backs will happen. Keep your head up and focused on your goals. Personally, I took it one week at a time, and didn't focus on the number. I'd just keep going, and pushing harder on the workouts and living by the 80/20 rule worked - eat healthy 80% of the time... It's possible! Surround yourself with people who are being healthy!! :)
    Listen, I never thought I could do it when I started, but 17 months later of taking it 1 week at a time, I've lost 121lbs. I still have 40lbs to go, and it gets harder once you get closer to your goal, I'm still taking it 1 week at a time.
    Stay strong!
  • ThatCountryGal
    ThatCountryGal Posts: 24 Member
    100+ to loose. Add me
  • nbowers30
    nbowers30 Posts: 4 Member
    Took me 3 years too lose 115lbs and the last 3 years ive gained 35 back so im back at it. Hang in there, you can do it!!!! =)
  • Jim_Smith33
    Jim_Smith33 Posts: 9 Member
    I originally lost 160lbs and gained it back. I now have lost 40lbs and have another 100lbs to go. You can do it don't get discouraged.
  • louiseclelland14
    louiseclelland14 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you all
  • musicandarts
    musicandarts Posts: 187 Member
    Good luck to you. As other posters have told you, it is a marathon, not a sprint. That sad truth is that we have to keep our eyes on the goal every day, every hour. Put something on the fridge, cupboard, bathroom mirror etc to remind you of your goals.

    Without knowing the extent of your injury, it is difficult to suggest exercises. I walk for an hour or more on a treadmill at an incline to burn 700-800 calories. It is low impact and doesn't hurt my knees too much.