Should I .... Insanity?????

I am litterally trying to go from my couch to Insanity and I am not sure if I need to be a little in shape to start or if I can just jump right in? I did the fit test last night and I am sore today from that alone! ;)
If you have done Insanity please tell me what to expect... And did you jump right into it at the beginning of your weight loss journey? Did you complete it? I am so curious?!


  • mimi90a
    mimi90a Posts: 5 Member
    My husband and I have tried Insanity (Which is a little insane) but are currently doing T25. Shawn T (the same guy as insanity) runs this program, where the daily workouts are 25 minutes a day (50 minutes on Friday's). If you are going from the couch, I would try T25 first. My husband and I went from couch to T25. It has been 8 weeks (of 10) and I am down 15 lbs. (5'6" SW:198, CW: 183) and my husband is down 30lbs (6' SW:230 CW:200). The reason I really like it is they have a person in the background (Tanya) that is doing low impact versions of all the exercises which really helps when I am unable to continue following Shawn T, I can keep working out and don't have to rest. We did do the 5 day quick start diet included in the materials and have been keeping 1200 calories a day. We are going to finish T25 (and the Gamma version which is an additional 5 weeks) then get back on the Insanity train having been conditioned by T25. We're seeing a lot of changes in inches too.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    I think that 21 day fix or jillian michaels body Revolution are better options. ( they require hand weights) I love insanity...but I agree that the length of the difficult workouts isn't something that is easy to stick to week over week if you feel too challenged.
  • olga_28
    olga_28 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm doing insanity ..tomorrow is my day 21 my rest day is insane ...this 3 weeks I've lost 15lbs is tiring before I started I was always sitting or laying ...I was so lazy it was hard to get up from were I was sitting ....and I was addicted to soda too so that's wasn't going so well ...soon I keep trying to do the exercise everyday and its working a lot
  • parasshelawala
    parasshelawala Posts: 29 Member
    I did Insanity after P90X, P90X2 and P90X3 and it's much harder than all of them. I lost 5 lbs in the two months but I felt like my knees and ankles were beat up too much to keep doing it once I finished. I would not recommend it straight from the couch... I think it is more of a program targeted towards people who are in shape and want to become athletes.
  • tatumtracy
    tatumtracy Posts: 9 Member
    I did insanity the first time almost two yrs ago and lost 40lbs. It was a lot of hard work but it took me to a point where every other exercise plan was easy breezy. I needed the push because I hated working out.

    I am now on my 2nd go round and its hard but I know it works.

    I went from the couch and fried food everyday to Insanity. I couldnt finish the total workout a first but I didnt quit. P90x, T25, insanity, or just walking every day .. dosent matter just keep moving
  • CatHunterFit
    CatHunterFit Posts: 194 Member
    I wouldn't really recommend it straight from the couch either. Props to those of you here who did!!

    It's hard. Really hard. And it might discourage you from exercising. But it's up to you and your character - if you are as hardcore as there maniacs on this thread ;) then go all in with Insanity.

    I'm really fit, and I avoid Insanity....
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I will never understand why people feel the need to go from absolutely zero to balls overnight. takes some time to build up your fitness...IMO, start'll be much less likely to burn out and more likely to enjoy yourself and more likely to develop life long fitness habits. You will also greatly reduce the risk of injury.

  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    From zero to Insanity is probably not a good idea. Insanity is very intense, so it requires some previous fitness background in my opinion. (For example, people who have been jogging, or doing hiit on the elliptical, aerobics, walking-- SOMETHING for crying out loud!) I mean, you can go for it, but you probably won't be able to keep up. FIT people have a hard time keeping up, lol.

    T25 is a much better idea = ). It's shorter, less intense, and permanently offers variations for those having a harder time. But it IS tough and it IS a challenge. That's always fun and satisfying. It'll prepare you for Insanity!
  • kitkat6382155
    kitkat6382155 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I'm taking it all in! Lol! Ive done day 2 and I didn't completely finish, but I stopped with 8 minutes left! As embarrassing as this sounds, I am actually proud that I lasted that long! I DO agree that the possibility of me injuring myself is great, and that's something I really don't want to do! I was running (jog/walking) a 5k in about 1 hour, 2 years ago and got plantar fasciitis, which took 10 months to heal.... I don't want to go through that again! I'm not a recovering athlete by any means, but I really want to get in shape to run a 5k and do good! I'll take the backseat on insanity right now and maybe look into this T25 and keep walking on my treadmill!
    Thanks again everyone!!
    BTW my stats: Height: 5' 3"
    Heaviest: 204
    Starting: 201
    Current: 193
    Goal: 120
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    I did P90X3 and I'm now in week 4(recovery week) of Insanity. It's definitely doable. You can do it for 60 days(that's working out 6 days a week), or 90 days. I'm doing the 60 days, but my body is definitely getting tired! LOL for month 2, the workouts get harder(max interval circuits), so I may do every other day, and walk or run on the other days. I like the workouts, and I love Shaun T, and it's nice to see that he and also the others in the videos struggle through the workouts. I have the hardest time with the Plyometric cardio circiut workout. I still have to stop for a few seconds here and there and then continue on! I'm getting stronger though! No weight loss for me yet, but I am seeing body definition and have lost a few inches. I think I need to eat more too, to sustain the hard workouts! Good luck! you can do it!
  • Looncove_Farm
    Looncove_Farm Posts: 115 Member
    You can do any workout program out there. BUT if your not use to working out, you will find that you have to modify a lot of the moves, which isnt a bad thing because your still burning calories. You will get stronger as time goes on and be able to do the workout 100%.
    Nothing wrong with starting small and working up.