Calorie breakdown wrong (macronutrients)?

Does anyone else have the issue where their macronutrient info is calculated all wrong? When I do the math for myself (adding up total grams of fat, carbs, and protein and then dividing each of those numbers by the sum of the three to find the percentage) it's way different than how the app broke things down. Anyone else having this issue? For instance, I calculated that one day, 17% of my calories came from fat intake, but MFP had it calculated at 33%, somehow. Anyone know of an explanation?


  • hncary
    hncary Posts: 176 Member
    Just a guess but did you remember that there is 9 calories in a gram of fat as opposed to 4 like in protein? I'm just guessing this may have been the case since your number is about half as much as the MFP calculation and the calories in a gram of fat are about double of that in a gram of protein/carbs...