Does your life need more than a diet change?

Does anyone feel like in order to get the weight off (keep the weight off) they need to change more than food an exercise in their life. Ever notice on shows when someone loses a lot of weight, they tend to change jobs, sometimes they get married (or get divorced O.o), the ones that keep the weight off seem to make a lot more changes than just their food.....I feel like that sometimes.

Like I need more in my life to change. Maybe get a job as a Zumba instructor or something where I'm not on the computer (and sitting) as much.

Does anyone ever wonder (or want) to change more in their life because they think it would help their over all health?


  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Start up a good active hobby. I just started kiteboarding. Oh boy is that a trip, and you burn way more calories than you would expect.

    But you might be right, it might take a lot more than a hobby change. Keep in mind this is a total lifestyle change if you want to keep it off. If you were eating for depression reasons, then you might have the same things making you depressed!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    This IS an emotional jorney. There is always a reason that someone stops caring about themselves enough to become overweight or obese. That is why there is just no effective "quick fix" for this . . . you have to work through the hard times to make your own personal discoveries about yourself.
    I have actually learned much more about myself from my bad days /or choices than anything. That is why Im such an advocate for being dedicated to logging every morsel, because once you see those choices in black and white it can be very empowering to turn your thoughs process about food around.
    In many cases being overweight has absolutely nothing to do with food, but about things in your life that you have not had the courage to face.
  • Boz1625
    Boz1625 Posts: 12 Member
    IMHO, losing weight and becoming a healthy person is more than just a diet change, it's a lifestyle change. For me, it's about overall happiness. If your current job, relationship/marriage, home, etc. is not all you want it to be, figure out how to change it for the better or leave it behind.

    Something that has taken me all of my 33 years to learn: I'm in control of my own happiness and health. Sitting around expecting someone or something else (food) to do it for me does not make me a happier or healthier person.
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    Definitely see on the biggest loser when people make that mental or emotional break thru and have that good cry. I think people do need to change mentally (how they think) and emotionally (lots of us are emotional eaters)...but I do not think we need to change our jobs (unless we are unhappy with it to begin with) or our marital status (again, unless we were unhappy with it to begin with). One issue I see for married people is if one spouse is making healthy changes and the other is not...but that is the same for any big change (one spouse decides to go to church and the other does not)...if they change differently, it causes stress on the marriage.

    Just my opinion!
  • DaFrogRibbit
    DaFrogRibbit Posts: 127 Member
    My biggest obstacle is myself. I hit a major bump a couple of months ago and still haven't managed to come completely out of it. Although thanks to this site i haven't pulled a complete f it.
  • Packerfan23
    Packerfan23 Posts: 225 Member
    I think so...I have been on this journey since beginning of February and I am being laid off from my job in the mortgage industry that I have been in since 1993 and I think it is time to make the career change...While I am a little nervous about being out of a job (I am getting some severance pay), I am thinking it may be a blessing in the long run as I can explore other opportunities. Who knows...maybe I will go back to school and get my masters(I am sure my college aged children would think that is funny to be going to school the same time as mom!) many things to think about! So I am ready for, excited, and just a little nervous about what the future holds...but I am confident that my life will be better now with losing the weight and getting away from a career that has been part of why I have put on so much weight since my children were born. :happy:
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    I hate attention on me.. So when I start losing and people start noticing is usually when I spiral down.. I feel like I've overcome that hurdle this time around and am pressing on :-)
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    I've taken up running, not just for leisure, but in races, and it has not only had a great impact on my physical health, but also my emotional and mental health. Before I started doing races, I was just exercising to exercise, if you know what I mean. Now I am running to challenge myself, push myself, and go harder. There is nothing better than the feeling of triumph and pride after you've finished a race you didn't know you could/finished with a PR/etc. Running has enabled me to take this confidence I feel in KNOWING I can do something if I practice, practice, practice, and I've been able to apply it to other parts of my life :)
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I think the changes came before I started on here. I had been upping my exercise for a while and had lost a bit but was having trouble keeping it off. I had asked to have a few days in the office in my city so I didn't have such a commute everyday. Then I was laid off due to the downturn and that got rid of the commute. I started to up my exercise even more. Then I got this killer temporary job. once that was over I got back to getting the exercise and decided to take some classes to keep upgraded in my skills. Not until MFP though did I lose. Going to school was a change and I did well. I have notice I have changed. At the new job I was very confident. At school I have been much more outgoing. I just seem to finally in my 50's feel more comfortable in my own skin. I think finally getting this weight thing going the right way - down rather than up has helped. I had already made a commitment to myself to take better care by being more active. It has to have an affect. I think it is loving yourself. I can relate to what Dawn said above. I was like that I was uncomfortable with being given too much attention. Last week I did a great job running a meeting. I gave a presentation without perfect preparation. I got lots of compliments. I just enjoyed the cudos. I noted what I could do better next time but felt great with what I had done. I had picked up a ball that had been dropped by someone else due to illness and did great, and right in the middle of a busy quarter. I have more changes afoot. I have decided that I have taken the courses I came for at school. I will give the job market another serious try and if that doesn't work I will decide exactly what my next career will be.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I definatley agree with you... I could also use a change in stress level and/or a vacation! LOL!
  • Wildflower3475
    Wildflower3475 Posts: 79 Member
    I was thinking the very same thing the other day. I'm so tired of being the "office girl" and want a change. What better way than to help change people's lives by boosting their confidence and helping them to achieve their weight loss goals. Only problem is I have to work on me first before I can help other people lol. I have so much energy and determination inside, now I just have to figure out how to get that out in the open.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    Absolutely! I think changing your eating habits and losing weight is part of taking control of your life as a whole. I am working on bettering myself in many ways, and I am looking forward to what the future holds. Some things that I am doing: saving seriously for a downpayment on a house, getting all debt paid off, taking on more responsibility at work and going to school full-time. Taking life by the horns so to speak ;)
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I broke off a marriage and moved into a new town, new apartment almost a year ago due to differences which included (not limited to) lifestyle and eating habits. My ex would have been perfectly content going to Coldstone every night....:huh:

    I lost 12 pounds in the month I moved out with little to no effort and have kept it off and am slooooowly reaching my goal. My new boyfriend, while we don't completely agree on exactly what constitutes the ideal human diet (he's a Zone guy, I'm a Low carber) at least both agree that eating junk food is bad, limiting going out to eat is good, and getting up to move around and being active is REALLY good.
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    This IS an emotional jorney. There is always a reason that someone stops caring about themselves enough to become overweight or obese. That is why there is just no effective "quick fix" for this . . . you have to work through the hard times to make your own personal discoveries about yourself.
    I have actually learned much more about myself from my bad days /or choices than anything. That is why Im such an advocate for being dedicated to logging every morsel, because once you see those choices in black and white it can be very empowering to turn your thoughs process about food around.
    In many cases being overweight has absolutely nothing to do with food, but about things in your life that you have not had the courage to face.

    Thank you for posting this. I needed to hear that today :-D
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Glad I'm not alone in this. Sometimes I just feel like I would do so much better doing something active. On days when I'm up and running around all day my food choices are 100 times better than days I'm stuck in front of the computer.