This is a little overwhelming and mildly discouraging. .....need encouragement

New to this, not sure about it


  • abev1016
    abev1016 Posts: 44 Member
    edited April 2015
    This site is awesome ... Just give it a serious try. Good luck! You can do it
  • lindasabre
    lindasabre Posts: 2 Member
    I started today and just printed my food intake data. Sunny what about this program is overwhelming?
    Why do you feel discouraged?
  • FrancisCV7
    FrancisCV7 Posts: 123 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hello, sunnymelanie! ☺️
    The beginning of anything new can be overwhelming and its okay if you're apprehensive. But you came here for a reason whether it was to shed some pounds, tone up or just getting yourself to a healthier place--you've already taken a step in the right direction.
    Myfitnespal is just a great resource for anyone looking to help them reach their fitness goals. Obviously, it won't do the work for you but it'll definitely help you to track your progress and connect you with others who share similar goals!
    Bottom line, like much of any activity, what you put in is what you'll get out of it. If you log in once a month and never track any exercises or meals you probably won't find the app very useful...but if you integrate it with your routine, I definitely think you'll see the benefits that MFP has to offer!
    Welcome and best wishes to a healthier 2015!
  • lindasabre
    lindasabre Posts: 2 Member
    I try to stay focused, while only thinking about what I want my outcome to be. If we keep neg thoughts we will perhaps not follow through. Focus on your core values and why this is important to you. For example I try to get 4 cups of water intake done by noon. Use the clock to set little goals like the water intake example. Or for an exercise goals. I will take a walk on my work break . I live in AZ, so I get up about 630 AM and take my dog for a walk before it get to hot. Not sure this will help you, but open for any questions
  • reignsoftball
    reignsoftball Posts: 2 Member
    I've tried this app a few times and never stuck with it past 2 days. Guess there's a reason I never deleted the app from my phone. I'm on day 10 of logging in EVERY MEAL and my runs through runtracker. It feels good when I meet my calorie goals. It's motivating and to see friends logging in and doing the same! I've lost 9 lbs in 10 days and I couldn't have done it without this app! It just took me wanting it bad enough and I do! I had a baby 2 yrs ago and am still breastfeeding so I got into a major slump! I have about 60 lbs to lose and I'm GONNA do it! Wanna be healthy for my kids and myself :smile:
  • wmeyerbill455
    wmeyerbill455 Posts: 49 Member
    It becomes less discouraging if you get friends involved because then it is like the "Prius" effect. That is if you have heard about the Toyota "Prius" effect. The early owners of Toyota Prius's noted that the little messages their cars would text to them after they drove well like " you got 38 mpg, great job!". Made them feel good so they continued the driving behavior that produced the high MPG result. The same happens here when you friends give you encouragement. You feel good and want to repeat the good behavior and before you know it you are on your way. Make Friends and you will succeed.
  • nicolejchatman
    nicolejchatman Posts: 6 Member
    I agree. I'm learning that I just have to keep going on day at a time and sometimes one moment at a time.
  • ijaliv
    ijaliv Posts: 26 Member
    After you get use to it you realize how asy it is to log in food, you realize that food you were eating before has so many calories that you didn't even know were there.

    Add me if you want guys
  • Oldbitcollector
    Oldbitcollector Posts: 229 Member
    You can do it! If I can do this after 25 years of ignoring my health/weight you can certainly do it!
  • venerando
    venerando Posts: 49 Member
    Hi feel free to add me I'm here to make friends and motivate and can help others reach their fitness goal.
  • Laurie2212
    Laurie2212 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been a member of this site for a couple of years, but never actually used it. I am looking for friends for encouragement on this journey. Honestly I would like to lose around a 100 lbs. That just seems like such a huge number. To start my first goal would be to lose 20 lbs. Will give it my best, but some stressors in my life. I am trying to handle. Need to put me first. Here goes nothing! :)