At 33... I shouldn't weigh 288#!

Well this comes 3 weeks into my progress already. I'm doing well.. But let's start from the beginning.

At age 10 my parents moved us from Louisiana to Houston. I was upset and depressed and hated where we lived at first. No kids on our street and not to mention moving away from my child hood best friend.

Food became a quick solace, that summer I went from my skinny 98# to 130# and I was only 5'3". Days of Mom and dad working, no food at home except junk and fast food being brought home for dinner most nights.

As life moved forward I became aware of my sexuality and confused as to why it was wrong. That added to the trouble, my family was hard core roman catholic and homosexuals are damned to hell. It took years for me to finally accept who I was and start moving forward with life. I came out to my best friend first, without his support I know I wouldn't be here. There was a time shortly after highschool I got severely depressed and wanted to kill myself. He made sure I was OK everyday by calling me and making sure I knew I was loved for who I am and it didn't matter.

See having a family like mine is not uncommon, what made mine more unique is my parents were older. My mom was 38 and dad was 40. Being born in the 80's my generation was on the cusp of where it was going from a social death to socially acceptable. To this day I still haven't come out to my brother.

At 25 I lost my mom to cancer, and 27 I most my dad to a heart attack. That pushed me into a dark depression that needed to be heavily medicated just to remain functional. Its now been 6 years since my dad passed. My brother and I settled what was left of my dads property and sold their place in the country at the beginning of the year.

After the dust settled... I snapped. I realized I had a 12pk a day coca cola habit, eating horribly, weighing in at 288, and being forced onto 5 prescription drugs to keep my body functioning healthy-ish.

You see... My family history has me predisposed to high blood pressure so I may never get rid of that med... But the cholesterol and psych meds have to go.

Step 1... Lose weight and start living a healthy life style.

So I end this first entry with this... I'm 24 days into my changes. I pickup all my meals from My Fit Foods and kicked the soda habit. Tho I am drinking a lot of water I am drinking a lot of unsweet tea.

When i started I weighed 288.9, I weighed in this morning at 269.8. Almost 20# in 24 days. I wish I would keep that pace but I know better I just want to get down to 205#.


  • hncary
    hncary Posts: 176 Member
    Best of luck! You can do this. And congrats on your progress thus far!
  • juzzdawg
    juzzdawg Posts: 5 Member
    Thx hncary... I eliminated all of my excuses that allowed me to fail before. Now is my time!