
Hello. I'm a 19 student who basically stress ate the entire semester. It's awful. I gained so much weight. This summer I need to get certified to be a lifeguard as well as other water safety certifications. That requires a lot of swimming. I'm so out of shape and over weight. I just need someone to motivate me.


  • beckhasaoldwallet
    beckhasaoldwallet Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, hi I know you don't know me but I'm here to support you along with the rest of the community and I think if you give yourself a goal work hard and keep at it and stay positive and just work diligently you will achieve it and get your lifeguard certification. here if you need to talk....... here for support keep at it.

    °·° ~ Beck
  • just_a_small_town
    just_a_small_town Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you. This past year has been stressful, I'm tired of using it as an exsuse to over eat. I really hope this app and community helps me get in shape and finally be healthy for once in my life.