Drinking water!

susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
Confession: I was bad yesterday, ate too much and thought I could handle it. I couldn't and my weight went up 0.8. I am ashamed of myself because yesterday I was 0.2 pounds away from Mini goal #2. Today I am 1 pound away. Furthermore, all of my friends LOST weight and were under calorie instead of 400 over like me. Made me feel very sad that I was left behind. I don't want to be left behind!

But, look! Here are my bootstraps! = D So today, I am making a new healthy habit for myself and it has to do with getting MORE water in. Most days I am lucky to squeeze in 8, so now I am shooting for 10 - 12 each day. I'll give myself a couple of weeks maybe to adjust to 10 and work up to 12 glasses.

The vice: my homemade decaf soy lattes. I am addicted to them. I love these because they fill me up between meals for about 50 calories. No sugar, but stevia. I use a plain soy milk that has ingedients of Soy and water. From Trader Joes.

The problem: they are 16 - 20 ounces so I feel too full to drink the water sometimes.

The solution: A new rule that goes like this: Now I have to earn them. I MUST first drink 4 glasses of water before I can have the first latte. Then I MUST drink 4 more glasses before I can have the second one. So that is 8 glasses.

The clincher: I have to drink 2 - 4 glasses of water after the second one or else I skip the following day's First latte NO MATTER WHAT! That means counting the minutes until I can get 8 glasses of water in so I can still have the second (now the first) one!



  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    i found that in order to get in all the water i need (and my body sure has shown me it needs at LEAST 10 glasses a day, not 8, otherwise everything sorta 'seizes up' *L*).. i slowly stopped drinking anything else. Even my morning cup of coffee has slowly disappeared *L* and i don't miss it at all!

    most days i start off with 2 cups of water before breakfast... and that seems to set me up to 'want'/need' to have water handy to sip on the rest of the day... even when i go for groceries i have a water bottle with me *LOL*... at restaurants all i have now is a glass of water with lemon to drink. it's amazing how my thinking/needs have changed so much since January *S*
  • dian1227
    dian1227 Posts: 122 Member
    Susan, I am a coffeeholic, no doubt. The ONLY way I've been able to get my water in was to make a deal with myself. NO coffee, or any other drink until 60 ozs of water is gone. That is three of these water bottles I've been using. I start at 6 Am and usually by 8 or 9 I am ready for coffee. I've had to do this because I think in some ways the coffee may be hindering some better weight loss potential. I've even started mixing decaf and regular and finding alternatives to my half and half.

    I feel your pain.

  • lionslambs
    lionslambs Posts: 1
    but aren't u guys peeing ALL THE TIME??? i am lucky if i drink 2 glasses a day, just not a big fan of h2o!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I have a 32 oz. cup that I drink from. For some reason, I find it easier to get in all my water this way, because I only have to drink 2 of them. Makes it seem more do-able. I usually drink 3 or 4 of them, though. So maybe try drinking from a big cup and it won't seem like such a chore.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    but aren't u guys peeing ALL THE TIME??? i am lucky if i drink 2 glasses a day, just not a big fan of h2o!

    Lol..at first, but once you get used to it, no.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Once your body gets used to having it, it starts using it properly and the peeing issue goes away, but you have to remain consistent with it.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    but aren't u guys peeing ALL THE TIME??? i am lucky if i drink 2 glasses a day, just not a big fan of h2o!

    I thought the same thing at first. Before MFP, no matter what diet or exercise program I was on, I didn't drink water. I would drink my morning coffee and my evening diet coke, but not much in between. I just never really felt thirsty and didn't care much for water.

    Fast forward to yesterday - 12 cups. 12. Me. Who would have ever imagined? Now when I wake up, I want my water before my coffee. I actually WANT it first. I'm at 8 cups right now, and it's not quite 2:30 here. I wish I had brought another bottle with me to work, since I'll be here another 2 hours and won't be able to drink more. I still can't do "faucet" water and I put a sugar-free, caffeine free flavor in to every other bottle.

    Just start drinking it. Some people find that a large glass is easiest. I do best with the 16.9 oz bottles. I can finish them quicker and that works better for me - instant gratification lol.

    Once you start drinking water, you're body will crave it. You'll find that you actually choose it over other drinks. I never thought it would happen to me, but it did.