22. Female. 5ft 2. UK

I'm 22 years old from Surrey, UK!
Height is 5ft 2 and I currently weigh 160lbs (11st 6lbs)! This was on my weigh day yesterday morning! This is the heaviest I've been since May 2012! This time last year I was 1st lighter....

I'm looking to lose 2 stone in total but starting off with a small target of 7lbs loss and building from there!

Would really love some friends to motivate me and to make sure I'm logging in everyday!

Post/comment with your height and weight and your targets! Feel free to add me as a friend :)


  • Charlotte596_
    Charlotte596_ Posts: 16 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi, just added you!! I'm 25 from kent if anyone wants to add me for a bit of for support and motivation! Going to log daily. Trying to loose a stone ready for my wedding/honeymoon in September so not long to go! Used mfp back in 2012 when I got down to my lowest weight of 10st 5. (I'm 5ft 8) Know I can do it again!
  • slimstrauss
    slimstrauss Posts: 209 Member
    Hi from London
    5ft 129lb currently
    Just looking to go down to an acceptable weight.
    Feel free to add me .
  • Vidarsbane
    Vidarsbane Posts: 30 Member
    Hey there from Liverpool...

    I'm 6ft 8 and currently 23st 13lbs (7lbs down from when I started two weeks ago)

    Ideally I want to get to 12st 6lbs not factoring in any increased muscle mass but I know once I start hitting the gym again I'll be looking at about 15stone with increased strength and endurance and hopefully no gut whatsoever haha.

    Shoot me and add guys.