looking for mfp friends doing keto!

Hey there! im almost two weeks into starting keto and im looking for people to be friends with on here for support/encoragement/etc. im doing this totally alone and every time i try to explain keto to people they look at me like im insane. but! I'm already seeing results and am in it for the long haul. I've lost 5 lbs already and ive got about 45 to go! 23 F SW(before keto): 194 SW(after starting keto):189 CW:185.4 GW:140


  • wendymarie37
    wendymarie37 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Cathi. Have you been to Reddit? There'a a lot of support over there. I'm happy to be your friend here as well. :)
  • cathigold
    cathigold Posts: 5 Member
    Yep! That's where I discovered the keto community!
  • scoady382
    scoady382 Posts: 30 Member
    Fellow ketoer here. Adding you! Best of luck with your goals! :)
  • cathigold
    cathigold Posts: 5 Member
    thanks! i think i spend all my spare time now reading about keto and looking up keto recipes and im having a great time with it :)
  • whenifeellikeit
    whenifeellikeit Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there, cathigold! I'm also about two weeks into keto and trying to figure out how to actually get the weight loss started. Let's collaborate!
  • cathigold
    cathigold Posts: 5 Member
    Yeah! For sure! I'll add you!
  • shilobrakey
    shilobrakey Posts: 1 Member
    I'm two weeks in too! First time. Good luck!!
  • smukkeff
    smukkeff Posts: 26 Member
    I'm about a month and a half into keto :smile: similar start weight & goal, too. I'm definitely always up for new keto friends!
  • maishacopeland31
    maishacopeland31 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello may I ask what is keto im trying to challenge myself to new things so I can have the best Weight loss journal
  • missladyfit
    missladyfit Posts: 54 Member
    Let's start a mini keto family. LOL I'll add everyone in here :)
  • s_y8s
    s_y8s Posts: 1,849 Member
    Me!! :)