Need motivation my goals are high!

sadels777 Posts: 1 Member
22 years old and weigh 235 lbs just started this week done two hours of cardio on the treadmill I can't seem to get out of this 10 - 15 lb trench I'll lose 10 or so lbs but then nothing even if I'm working my tail off advice ? Encouragement? Help!


  • shaunsxx
    shaunsxx Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there im in the same boat im just staying in the same range always. Even doing an hour workout sometimes I feel so drained to give up but they do say it takes 12 weeks for an actual big weight loss and for you as a person to see it. Just stay motivated!! You can do focus on what lb you want to be and you can do ir

    Wishing you all the best !!!!
  • jsobole
    jsobole Posts: 139 Member
    Weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise. It wasn't until I started tracking my food that I started truly losing weight. Cardio is great, but try to vary it up with strength exercises as well. More muscle burns more fat! But, truly, start with your diet first.